Külföldi torrent oldalak PuntoTorrent | PTO News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. március 23..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    Hello everyone

    We publish this joint communiqué as a result of what happened in the last weeks and of what, possibly, many of you already have news.

    "Notices" have been received about the commercialization of P2P material in Plex servers with profit motive, content not generated by the "seller" himself, but by people who selflessly contribute it in various trackers.

    The last detected case was a Plex server with more than 80 users that consumed content from several communities and had more than 100 TB of files between series and movies. All this handled by several users who profited from the work of many colleagues who were not consulted.

    The Staff of PuntoTorrent with the support of DivTeam, Doppler Effect, Hachede, Hd-Spain, HdCity, Torrentland, XbytesV2 and ZonaQ wants to remind all users that any profit (direct or indirect) with the material that is contributed disinterestedly to Trackers are not allowed, as well as making a profit with remote playback systems (Plex, Kodi, IPTV, etc.) that contain such content.

    The DivTeam, Doppler Effect, Hachede, Hd-Spain, HdCity, Torrentland, XbytesV2, ZonaQ and PuntoTorrent communities have agreed upon the following:

    - ALL activity described above goes against what we consider a P2P community and has no place among us.

    - ALL administrators, mainly, and members of these groups will be penalized and / or sanctioned according to the rules of each tracker, but in no case will we tolerate participating in this type of activity.

    Last but not least, the PuntoTorrent Staff would like to thank the rest of the DivTeam, Doppler Effect, Hachede, Hd-Spain, HdCity, Torrentland, XbytesV2 and ZonaQ communities that have participated in this agreement to pursue the profit motive in the P2P that is so against our principles.
