The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'The Martian.' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘The Bid Short' 'The Revenant'...
Dropbox has obtained a patent for peer-to-peer synchronization. The technology allows users to securely share files across different devices...
We're still upgrading to the new master server. Some stuff *might* not work as expected ... The tracker will respond with a "torrent not...
A bitHUmenen nincs és nem is lesz fizetős regisztráció! Aki a főoldalon ismertetett címeken kívül másutt próbál belépni, az a saját felhasználója...
Secret Lovers: Public and Private Torrent Sites Which is best - public torrent sites like KickassTorrents and Pirate Bay or private torrent sites...
All torrents are Free between 01-01-2016 - 31-01-2016
On a daily basis our staff are contacted by users who have run into their accounts being disabled from downloading. There are various reasons for...
Notificación.: Desde el STAFF comunicamos que desde este momento y hasta el día 10 de enero se activara el sistema de invitaciones, a partir del...
We suggest using a form available on the home page, to offer a friend who wants to join us. Here are the rules: - Only members with a minimum...
site is down for indefinite period due to domain name expiry. We hope to have this fixed within the next day or 2.
Posting a list of the worlds most-visited torrent sites has been a long-standing tradition at TF, which we continue today. At the start of 2016...
Pirate Bay Torrent Site Blocked Windows 10: Four of Pirate Bay's domains have been suspended. The torrent site launched six new domains in case...
While regular visitors to these pages are probably extremely tuned into the way the file-sharing world operates, more casual readers may have one...
TheGeeks is going to trial permitting, like some some other tbz sites, Power User Grade or above exclusive use of ONE proxy/VPN service of their...
During December five men from the UK received sentences totaling 17 years after leaking thousands of movies onto the Internet. In an earlier...
Happy New Year! In celebration of another new year, and a whole new crop of shows becoming safe (you have all read the rules on what's safe,...
Today marks the start of a new year which will undoubtedly bring many more innovations and legal troubles related to file-sharing and piracy. We...
New search is currently on beta at You can view the guide about the updated search Please post all...
Happy New Year 2016! In the occasion of New Year 2016 We are offering 15 Days of FreeLeech, 2x Seedbonus for 7 days & 5 H&R Coupons. Starting...
This is just a very short note from me, the owner. This site has become so much more than I ever anticipated, due only to the unfailing and...
Our recent downtime and current situation Dear TVC members, Those of you who have not been following our Facebook page will be wondering what...
site issues in consequence of our recent downtime update news So the site is back and hobbling along for now. We are aware of three issues that...
2015 is over, greeted us new year, there may be a lot of people immersed in passing in 2015, there is joy, there is sadness, there is also pain,...
小U在这里祝愿大家2016年 继续任性,继续开心! 全站自2016年1月1日12点到明天中午12点 全站FREE,同时开放注册继续走起 请大家奔走相告! ---------------------------------------------------------------...
Like the title says..... Happy New Year 2015!! Ups, 2016 i wanted to say, i hope you guys will not need to edit too many documents when you go...
Happy New Year and welcome 2016 :tshlove: As we all bring in 2016 the TsH staff would all like to wish everyone a happy new year and we really...
Pirate Bay is Back to Square One After Months of Domain Hopping This week The Pirate Bay lost use of several of its 'hydra' domain names that...
Dear members Happy New Year to all of you!We have opened the invitation system for users above user class,and you will get 3 invites(limited to...
We sincerely apologize for this two-day downtime, it was due to the exchange server and its components. Therefore: HNR's were all cleared...
Popular torrent sites get millions of visitors every day, but what have all of those people been searching for? Today we present the BitTorrent...