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Szint 9
Típus HD
Felhasználók 7031
Torrentek 45964
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Az oldal alakult 2013.05.25

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Legfrissebb hírek

FLUX - 23.01.22

Hello BHD Community,

We as FLUX have decided to take an indefinite hiatus. As the leader of the group, I prioritize the mental well-being of the team over anything else. We have been putting out a lot of releases, and keeping up with so many releases takes a lot of energy and time considering we're all on different time zones. As do most members on this site, our team also have their own personal lives and it has been difficult juggling both releasing and committing to personal obligations as of late. We hope you understand and to be back soon. Logistics wise, we have a few shows nearing the completion of their seasons, we will finish those out, but for the time being we will cease weekly shows.

All the love,

By CF dealer

V2 torrents and Qbittorrent v4.4 - 15.01.22

Qbittorrent v4.4 includes a feature allowing you to create torrents with BitTorrent V2. V2 torrents are not supported by the tracker and therefore will not be accepted here for the present time.

Make sure you are creating your torrents as v1 instead of either v2 or 'hybrid'.

By CF dealer

News - 28.09.21

We have removed the 20 gib or larger restriction on tv refunds.

So any tv pack you download on BHD (as long as it was flagged as a pack and had the refund promo applied) will be refundable. Please report any tv packs that are missing the tv pack flag/refund flag.

We decided to do this to reward long term seeders who tend to download torrents that fall into situations where 3 or 4 seasons may be refundable but 2 or 3 of them are not, SD packs, smaller DVD remux packs, DVD5/9, etc.

Also, this will remove any confusion since sometimes members forgot the 20 gib rule!

By CF dealer

News - 23.09.21

All TV packs are automatically granted 'Refundable' status. This is not a timed promo.

Simply download a TV pack and seed it to have all counted download refunded over a 30 day period. Read more at Refunds.

By posztoló

News - 28.02.21

BeyondHD Welcomes New Internal Groups.

As many in the BeyondHD community are aware, a private tracker with a reputation for high quality encodes and remuxes has unfortunately had to close their doors after nearly 12 years of providing a great place to call home for several highly skilled encoders and remuxers.

Awesome-HD (AHD) was an important part of the private tracker eco system because of its internals. With its closure, there was great hopes within the community that their encoders/remuxers would remain active and find a new home so that they could continue their work.It's with this being said,

BeyondHD would like to welcome several new internal groups into our small but active community:







You can expect the same level of quality their internals have always been known for with no changes to their specific standards.There will be no change to BeyondHD's current internals either. All groups, new and the old, will continue to focus on what they do best.There will be some small rule changes to accommodate a few group standards, but nothing overwhelming.At the end of the day, all members will benefit from a wider selection of quality encodes and remuxes.

Let's all give them a warm welcome!BeyondHD

By posztoló

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