they have the best packs( most of them the are sealing from other trackers but still
i wish they go back to how they were, they had the biggest application database and now .....
hey anyone knows their irc,k i have a problem with my account there
its easy to seed and you can find most of the staff you are searching for so it's the tracker i use the most for ebooks
the only tv tracker you will ever need, plus they have a good invite thread for power users
except if you are using a seedbox then their are no freeleech for you
for the people that aren't too picky about the quality and just want the biggest private tracker movie datebase
if you are looking for not american movies or old movies this is the site you are looking for but its vary hard to seed so be careful
i love this site, their forums are active and they have the best system i have seen on any tracker also i like their tbh torrents
sometimes i miss the sun..... not sure how much that mean anything
i check my feedly news from my phone
yes not a lot but yes