【重要】本站年中考核已全面开启 为了更好的完善下载体验和提高会员素质,建立发烧友终极乐园,同时也是清理酱油党,增强会员分 享意识,促进 网站发展,本站决定,自2015年5月1日0时至2015年7月1日零时止,实施2015年度 年中考核,详 情请至本站首页,谢谢理解与支持!...
Hello this is Bjw. I have been taking care of the THC server for some time now.I have spoken with snuggles and have asked his permission to send...
Title: Theme of the month May 2015 http://i.imgur.com/SyIMvnV.png - Crime movies - for every uploaded on "Crime Movies" in May 2015 you will...
FreeLeech starts now and will run until (12am Eastern Standard Time, May 6th, 2015). FreeLeech is when Every Torrent 1GB or more is Free to...
TCO HaB encode of the month - May This month, we showcase not one, but three encodes from OnkelLars - the three parts of Ningen no jôken - The...
Encrypted Internet traffic is surging according to data published by Canadian broadband management company Sandvine. A new report reveals that...
We have suffered a second peerleaking attack, exactly like the one perpetuated against us two days ago. Please see the front page announcement for...
A new bill could put a serious dampener on the viewing habits of Australians who are using overseas websites and services to pirate shows and...
Pirate site owners have just received a blustering letter the MPAA that confirms they still have studios over a barrel. A few hours ago, the...
Movie studios demand all online piracy sites stop copyright infringement in 24 hours, or else When you can't beat them, sometimes you need to...
Hi To All The Yello Members We Now Have The Site Up And Running But You Will Need To Login To This Addy http://yellotorrents.info/index.php Not...
Hello everyone! RSS is back online. For details go here: https://www.bit-hdtv.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=92645 Have a great time, BHD Staff
Kim Dotcom's upcoming extradition hearing has been delayed by three months. The procedure was set to go ahead in just four weeks but the High...
Starting tomorrow, XtremeZone The staff will offer again downloaded torrents contest , organized and awarded each month. The start is given at...
Today, the tracker does not work ,the downloads do not count TILL midnight 02/05/2015 . Have a good time !
To conclude a massive copyright infringement lawsuit launched by the major recording labels, Grooveshark shut down a few hours ago. Acknowledging...
2015.04.30 - Full Site Assessment Bulletin | Wide Assignment Notice Members skyer: Station site is about to conduct a full range of data...
On behalf of the major Hollywood movie studios the Motion Picture Association (MPA) is demanding that pirate site operators shut down within 24...
Virtual private networks (VPN) could be blocked under new copyright and privacy legislation being considered by the Senate in Australia. The bill...
After hearing argument from both the prosecutor and the organization in control of Sweden's .SE domain names this week, the Stockholm District...
Good to All. The administration of the National Scene Rush BitTorrent Tracker comes launch yourself the challenge to take part in the competition...
Good Bye Alias Hi all markt here i would like to thank you all for the past 12 months of Alias but it has come to that time to part ways and...
2015-04-29 ASS FUCKING COMPETITION - May 1st As if it were a grotesque lovechild of the great Fuck My Ass this June. 30 of CG's worst. and Watch...
HBO and Showtime are not known to go after pirate sites, but the upcoming Mayweather v Pacquiao fight has proven to be an exception. Together with...
Hardware Issues have been solved. Global FreeLeech untill 12th of May(for the downtime).
04/29/2015 - A new theme has been added " Lastfiles v2 " , thanks AEON team ! Note that lately , more and more of those who are part of...
Bonus Seed does not work !!! It will return in a few days!
U.S. TV series 'Empire' premiered in the UK last night but early fans of the show had been watching the show illegally for months. While that is...
A regional court in Hamburg has ordered a hosting company to shut down three iconic BitTorrent trackers that together coordinated dozens of...
OpenBT, PublicBT and Istole.it were taken down by German Music Industry! Another success against a file sharing network: The music industry could...