Külföldi torrent oldalak ReelFliX | Reelflix.xyz News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2022. április 27..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Welcome RFX users new and old. As most can see we are working on restructuring and organizing the site, classes, rules, forums and many other things around the site. Many will notice references to LegacyHD for there was a full database migration from LEGi0N's old home tracker. As we make changes we will post in the forums, site news, or send mass pms as this one to inform everyone of current and upcoming changes. We have reorganized the forums, updated upload rules, removed seed time requirements and HNRs, updated ratio, and a few cosmetic issues around the site like the "dots" overflow on the Featured block. Rest assured we are constantly updating and improving things around the site. If there are any ideas or suggestions please let us know! In the near future we will be looking to expand our staff and internals. We will need torrent, forum, and chat mods, first line support to aid in discord/irc and helpdesk tickets, and designers and developers to help maintain a fork to further customize development of the tracker UX/UI. If you are a prospective encoder/remuxer web/disc ripper, solo or part of a release group looking for a home, please let us know!

    "Keep it Reel"

    The ReelFliX staff
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