Külföldi torrent oldalak Orpheus | OPS | Apollo Roll on 2025

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' CF dealer hozta létre. Ekkor: 2025. január 01..

  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Happy New Year!

    May your musical discoveries this year be numerous and enjoyable. Here is the latest news.


    Join our FLS and IN teams

    If you are enjoying Orpheus and would like to help out a bit more, we need to boost our First Line support, and especially our interviewers. Both teams are crucial in helping the site to continue to grow and the Interview team is critically short-staffed. If you can set aside a hour or so with regularity each week, it would be gratefully received.

    Apply within

    Push Notifications

    Thanks to the heroic efforts of s****, the push notification infrastructure (the thing that sends you alerts to your phone) has been rebuilt pretty much from the ground up. Find out more about it in Wiki › Push notifications.

    Some notification types have not yet been wired up to the new machinery yet, but the big ones are there. Let us know if you run into any issues.

    If you dislike the pop-up notifications box, you can also set all notifications to display at the top of the screen.

    Check it all out in your profile settings!

    Request searches

    With the combined efforts of c**** and m***, various bugs in requests search have been fixed, the user interface has been made smarter, and for the first time ever, the "Only specified" toggle works.

    When checked, this toggle excludes requests that do not explicitly specify the desired property. For instance, choosing "CD" will exclude all other media, including the "Any" catch-all. Choosing "CD", "WEB" will return only the requests that explicitly request "CD" or "WEB" (hence a request asking for both "CD" and "WEB") will be returned.

    When the toggle is left unchecked, all the requests specifying "Any" will be returned as well.

    Minor updates

    Add img proxy url to torrent endpoints has been implemented. The arguments as stated are persuasive and the change was literally two lines of code (one of which is a unit test).

    Coming up

    There are two changes coming up, to which we would like to draw your attention, both concerning security.

    Announce URLs

    The first change concerns the way you bittorrent client connects to the tracker. Currently, the tracker allows both plaintext (http) and encrypted (https) connections. On July 1st (2025-07-01), support for plaintext connections will be turned off. Any torrent that uses and http announce will error out at that point. There will be further announcements before this date to assist with the migration.

    RSS Feeds

    The second change will impact everyone using RSS feeds.


    We recently upgraded the site, and migrated to PHP 8.4. One of the features that has been deprecated in this new version are MD5 and SHA1 digests (which are used in various places to authenticate secrets). We can change everything transparently so that people benefit from the greater security that SHA256 offers (which is what we will be changing to).

    But not feeds. This is the only place that cannot be changed transparently. We will be reaching out to people who are using the current version to tell them to upgrade.

    RSS links look like this:

    feeds.php?feed=torrents_all&passkey=<passkey>&auth=<md5-signature> where the auth parameter is 32 hexadecimal characters (0-9 and a-f).

    In the new version, the auth parameter is now comprised of alphanumerics and is 44 characters long. As an additional security improvement, auth is now unique per feed, rather than being shared.

    The old feeds will continue to be honored until they are retired in six months time (July 1, the same date as above). Users must upgrade before then.

    An important reminder, RSS links contain your torrent passkey! A passkey is as valuable as a password. Do not paste them anywhere public, especially in IRC or the forums if you require help.

    A gift for the New Year

    As a gesture of goodwill regarding the incident that affected many of you last year, we are forgiving 25 gigabytes of download data. That is, if your download statistic is greater than 25GiB, it will be adjusted downwards by that much. If you have less than 25GiB down, it will be become 0 (and your ratio becomes ∞ a.k.a infinity).


    With [​IMG]
    Orpheus Staff

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