Külföldi torrent oldalak Anthelion (TehConnection/Teh) | ANT Horror Contest

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2020. május 28..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Horror Contest

    Our Horror uploading contest created by our beloved D**** is well underway. It is very succesful, and in case you have missed it you need to check it out. Maybe you can contribute as well. As much as we love lurkers, contributing members have an easier time ranking up. And getting hugs and kisses from staff.

    Learn more about the contest here
  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Lakhely :
    Hello Anthelion!

    I was recently inspired by a fellow user to start my own contest. I just love movies and this site has been so incredibly valuable to me so I want to give back to the community! Each day I am excited to see user contributions to the site and forever chasing the impossible goal of having any film available at our fingertips. Recently, I have been introducing a friend to loads of movies he has never seen. After a viewing of H***, we decided that horror films are just too fun! I thought a fun way to continue growing the films on the site would be having an early Horror film drive! Halloween is 5 months away, so let's team up and load ANT up!

    I will contribute 395,000 orbs to Frontclip the contest. Should this run out too quickly, I am happy to replenish the pool. Member contributions are of course welcomed by gifting to @D*** and put in the message that you want to add them to the pool for this contest.

    The main goal should be to add films that are completely missing from the site, but awards will be available for added versions/resolutions/encodes.



    • Make sure your contribution conforms to to ANT's Uploading Rules
    • Seed as long as you can. Remember that you are responsible for your upload, and if you don't plan to or know you will have to stop seeding in the future, put it out for Adoption.
    • Add your submissions in a post in this thread.
    • Include the name, resolution, and link to your upload.
    • 720p or 1080p versions are most preferred. Of course rarer films may be uploaded in whatever quality you can find, and conforms with ANT rules.
    • One of the genre tags for the film must be "Horror"


    • Brand new film to the site= 4500 Orbs
    • Additional resolutions, versions or encodes for existing films= 1500 Orbs
    • .h264 or x264 encodes= 500 orbs bonus

    Adjustments may be made to the rewards or rules by Staff at anytime.
    • Like Like x 1
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