Külföldi torrent oldalak FileList | FL Happy Anniversary, FileList!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. szeptember 01..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :


    Stimați membri și prieteni dragi,

    Pe 4 septembrie sărbătorim cea de-a 16-a aniversare a incredibilei noastre comunități online. Ceea ce a început ca un spațiu virtual umil a devenit de-a lungul acestor ani, un colectiv cu pasiuni comune iar impactul său s-a extins cu mult dincolo de ceea ce ne-am imaginat inițial. Prieteniile care au înflorit peste ecrane și granițe, sunt dovada faptului că această comunitate a creat un sentiment de apartenență care transcende limitările distanței.

    Diversitatea a fost puterea noastră, iar experiențele prin care am trecut împreună, au creat legături de neîntrerupt. Este evident că această comunitate online nu numai că a supraviețuit, ci a și prosperat într-un peisaj digital în continuă evoluție, iar asta s-a întâmplat doar datorită vouă!

    Ne exprimăm sincera recunoștința fiecărui membru care a contribuit la succesul acestei comunități. Perspectivele, discuțiile și entuziasmul neclintit au făcut-o ceea ce este astăzi! 16 ani de prietenie, evoluție și încă mulți ani de realizări comune de aici înainte!

    La mulți ani, dragă comunitate! Să continuăm să inspirăm și să creăm amintiri durabile împreună! Vă iubim pe toți și vă mulțumim!

    [​IMG] FreeLeech Global! Începând cu 1 septembrie până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv! O săptămană întreagă de freeleech global.
    [​IMG] 16th anniversary gift! Începând cu 1 septembrie până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv, o dată la 24 de ore puteți da click pe cadoul din stânga paginii și veți primi un cadou din partea site-ului. Cadoul este similar cu gift box-ul din Shop și puteți câștiga: Upload, FLCoins, Invitații, FLTokens, VIP.
    [​IMG] Reduceri în Shop! Din acest moment până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv sunt activate reducerile în shop!
    [​IMG] Invitații pentru toată lumea! Din acest moment toate clasele de utilizatori (inclusiv User, Power User, Addict și Elite) pot genera coduri de invitații. Toți utilizatorii care au avut 2 invitații în cont sau mai puțin au acum 3 invitații disponibile pentru a putea fi generate.
    [​IMG] Dublu FLCoins pentru donațiile care aleg ca recompensă FLCoins. În fiecare an avem o mulțime de utilizatori care ne susțin și ajută la menținerea site-ului în viață. Anul acesta avem ceva și pentru ei! Din acest moment până pe 8 septembrie inclusiv, toate donațiile pentru FLCoins vor fi recompensate dublu. Tabelul de aici nu a fost modificat pentru a se putea vedea diferența, dar dacă alegi recompensa de 5000 FLCoins, vei primi încă 5000 FLCoins bonus! Indiferent de numărul de FLCoins ales, bonusul este dublu!

    [​IMG] [16 ani] Peers Lottery, ce se va desfășura pe o perioadă de 2 luni de zile, începând de acum.
    [​IMG] [16 ani] Sărbătorește alături de noi!
    [​IMG] [16 ani] FileList Memes v2.0
    [​IMG] [16 ani] Fii si tu Pirat si imparte prada!

    Vizitați secțiunea de concursuri pentru a descoperi și alte concursuri surpriză!

    La Mulți Ani FileList!

    Vă dorim toate cele bune!
    FileList Staff

    P.S. Mulțumiri speciale se îndreaptă către spondilita pentru implicarea lui la nivel creativ în toate bannerele și imaginile pe care le folosim cu drag! Te îmbrățișam, spondi [​IMG]!

    Forum topic: La Mulți Ani, FileList! / Happy Anniversary, FileList!


    Esteemed members and cherished friends,

    On the 4th of September we celebrate the 16th anniversary of our incredible online community. What began as a humble virtual space has grown into a thriving hub with shared passions and its impact has extended far beyond what we initially envisioned. The friendships that have blossomed across screens and borders are proof that this community has created a sense of belonging that transcends the limitations of distance.

    Diversity was our strength, and the experiences we went through together created unbreakable bonds. It's clear that this online community has not only survived, but thrived in an ever-evolving digital landscape, and that's only because of you!

    We express our sincere gratitude to each member who has contributed to the success of this community. Your insights, discussions, and unwavering enthusiasm have shaped it into what it is today! 16 years of friendship, evolution and to many more years of shared accomplishments!

    Happy anniversary, dear community! Let's continue to inspire and create lasting memories together! We love you all and we thank you!

    [​IMG] Global FreeLeech! A whole week of Global FreeLeech! Starting on the 1st of September until the 8th of September.
    [​IMG] 16th-anniversary gift! Starting on the 1st of September until the 8th of September you will be able to claim a gift, by clicking in the lower-left corner of the website, once every 24 hours. The gift is similar to the one in the shop and you can win: Upload, FLCoins, Invitations, FLTokens, VIP.
    [​IMG] Discounted Shop prices! From this moment up until the 8th of September, you can enjoy the Shop at reduced prices!
    [​IMG] Invites for everyone! From this moment on all user classes (including User, Power User, Addict and Elite) can generate invitation codes. All users that had 2 invites available or less in their account now have 3 invites that can be generated and used.
    [​IMG] Double the FLCoins amount for any donation that chooses the FLCoins reward. Every year we have a lot of users that support us and help us keep the site alive. This year we have something for them too! From this moment up until the 8th of September, all donations that are made for FLCoins will get double the amount. The reward table from here was not updated to easily reflect the bonus amount, but if you choose 5000 FLCoins as reward, you receive 5000 FLCoins more as a bonus! Regardless of the chosen amount, the bonus is double!

    [​IMG] [16 ani] Peers Lottery, that will run for 2 months, starting now.
    [​IMG] [16 ani] Celebrate with us!
    [​IMG] [16 ani] FileList Memes v2.0
    [​IMG] [16 ani] Share your Pirate Treasure!

    Have a look in the contests section to see other available contests!

    Happy Anniversary FileList!

    We wish you all the best!
    FileList Staff

    P.S. A huge Thank You to spondilita for his creative involvement in all the banners and images that we use and appreciate! Hugs and kisses, spondi [​IMG]!

    Forum topic: La Mulți Ani, FileList! / Happy Anniversary, FileList!
  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    [16 ani] Peers Lottery


    We would like to reward our most faithful users that keep our torrents alive so that we can all benefit and enjoy.
    Let's get to it and see what this is all about and who can win.

    General information
    Every hour the system draws out a number (a User ID) from the database from those that have in that moment seeding torrents. The post appears here automatically, in this topic, every hour.
    The more torrents you have seeding, the more chances you have at winning. Every user participates at this contest with all their torrents. If you have 4000 seeding torrents, you are added 4000 times to the lottery, if you have 50, you are added 50 times to the lottery.
    [​IMG] Also the average per torrent seeding size has to be 10 GB or more (Seed size / Nr. Torrents = Average per torrent).
    There is no other restriction regarding this lottery. You can win 2 times in a row, you can win multiple times, etc.

    Who is participating?
    All users that have seeding torrents are automatically added to the lottery.

    What do I have to do?
    Keep seeding your torrents and watch this topic closely to see if your User ID is a winning one. If you see your User ID in the post made by System, it means you won the lottery! Choose your prize and open a ticket to claim that prize.

    What can I win?
    15.000 FLCoins or 6 months VIP.
    The choice is 100% yours!
    Don't forget to mention in the ticket what prize you wish to receive.

    How do I find out what User ID I have?
    Click on your name in the top right corner of the site and see the link that opens.
    The link looks like this: https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=8
    The ending number of that link is your User ID. In my case the User ID is 8.

    Good luck everyone!
  3. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :

    Yo Ho Ho And a Bottle of Rum,
    An old saying on the far sea says that Pirates likes to seed torrents and keep treasures hidden from others. We all been on this FileList ship for years and years and saved few FLCoins but at some point sharing is carrying we keep hearing.Over the years users kept coming back to us with this request, when can we transfer FLCoins to our friends? Well fellow Pirates, today is the day. Today we are making history by marking another glorious year to our beloved tracker and the staff are more than happy to accommodate your wish by transferring FLCoins to your close ones.
    Without further ado, whoever wants to transfer FLCoins to friends, sisters, brothers, girlfriends, wife's or mistress, now is your chance.

    How to transfer?
    [​IMG] By posting in this topic their profile link using the following example:
    [​IMG] 1500 FLCoins --> https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=xxx
    [​IMG] 1500 FLCoins --> https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=xxx
    [​IMG] 2000 FLCoins --> https://filelist.io/userdetails.php?id=xxx
    [​IMG] You can transfer a minimum of 1000 FLC and a maximum of 5000 FLC.

    [​IMG] Important!
    [​IMG] Do not try to transfer a larger amount of FLC than you have in your account, in this case, your request will not be considered!
    [​IMG] Once the amount is transferred, it CAN'T be refunded!
    [​IMG]Don't forget, you can transfer a minimum of 1000 FLC to a user and a maximum of 5000 FLC. Yes, you can transfer 5000 FLC to a single user, but you can also have an amount of 5000 FLC distributed to several users.
    [​IMG] The event take place between 1 - 5.09.2023.

    Only together we can keep this project alive and closer to our hearts, for us and for our dearest ones. In the end the true treasure that is unmeasurable will be the strong bonds and the joy brought to others with our simple gestures.

    The ship's staff of #FileList is thanking you for your dedication!

    ...::: Thanks to CreativeGFX for our banners :::...
  4. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    Embark on a meme-making journey about your experience in this community. From the joy of finding rare content to the struggles of maintaining a good ratio, this contest invites you to share these experiences through humor and creativity.

    [​IMG] Stop laughing on your own and share your FileList experience with us through a meme.
    [​IMG] STOP! Don't think anymore that you have nothing to write about. You are part of the most wonderful and exclusive community of pirates in Romania.
    [​IMG] Are you certain that you don't wish to write about all the rules we demand you to follow?
    [​IMG] Or didn't you know that you can make a Request when you don't find something on FileList?
    [​IMG] Maybe you've had an interesting experience on the Forum?
    [​IMG] If you still don't have any ideas, write about the Staff. But if we don't laugh...

    [​IMG] 1st place: 9000 FL Coins
    [​IMG] 2nd place: 6000 FL Coins
    [​IMG] 3th place: 3000 FL Coins

    [​IMG] From the top right corner of consciousness, check the option of common sense in the creation process. Bugs are not accepted.
    [​IMG] Turn off the internet and use your own imagination. We don't accept CTRL+C - CTRL+V. Or you can use it, but we won't laugh, and if we don't laugh, we won't vote.
    [​IMG] Post the image in the "Spoiler" tag
    [img=link][/spoiler ] (without the space at the end). Test the code in Tags. If you don't know how, we'll teach you. If you can't, we'll help you. If you don't want to, we'll make you!
    [​IMG] Use the "Full Reply" option.
    [​IMG] No post editing, make sure you do everything right the first time. That's how you always do it, right?
    [​IMG] Use postimages.org, gifyu.com or any other host to upload the images. See, we're not strict. Just kidding!
    [​IMG] The awarded prize is not negotiable! If you're captain Jack Sparrow, maybe we'll make an exception.

    The contest ends on 08/09/2023 at 00:00, posts after this deadline will not be taken into consideration.

    Let your memes tell the stories that only tracker enthusiasts understand!
  5. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    Ahoy, ye scallywags and sea dogs! Listen close and listen well, for we be embarkin' on a treacherous journey through the virtual realm of FileList, and ye best be prepared for a true pirate's adventure!

    We be invitin' ye to navigate the uncharted waters of literary storytelling, where yer words shall serve as the North Star guidin' ye through the tumultuous waves of thoughts, experiences and encounters within our virtual realm.


    [​IMG] In this here thrilling contest, we be callin' upon the creative prowess of our shipmates to weave yarns that dive deep into yer journey alongside us, makin' even the ghostly Captain Blackbeard himself crack a grin.
    [​IMG] Spillin' the beans about us: Lay bare yer honest reckonings 'bout us. What be it that drew ye in, what keeps ye aboard our trusty sailing ship, and what wild dreams do ye conjure for the future ? Let yer thoughts flow like the finest grog from a keg.
    [​IMG] Yer dealin's with shipmates: We want to hear tales of camaraderie, collaboration and the ties that bind. Have ye forged kinship with fellow shipmates, learned the secret pirate's handshake or danced with the mermaids ? Share with us the stories of them interactions that've shaped yer navigation through these virtual seas alongside our loyal crew.


    [​IMG] Yer narratives must be original creations, reflecting yer deepest thoughts and interactions with our fine establishment, presented in a manner so splendid that even the spectral Captain Blackbeard would tip his hat in approval.
    [​IMG] Plunderin' the words of others will have ye meetin' Davy Jones in a barrel, mark me words!
    [​IMG] Remember, we be pirates, huntin' for the most precious of treasures. So, choose yer words as wisely as a pirate chooseth his sailing ship, lest ye find yerself walkin' the dreaded plank.
    [​IMG] Participants in this contest shall be judged not only on their creative flair but also on their ability to embrace the pirate's spirit with gusto, originality and a hearty dose of humor.


    [​IMG] Special Booty: 30 days of Special Rank Status [​IMG] (As long as the yarn be a tale worthy of legend, me hearties!)
    [​IMG] 1st Place: A booty of 90 days of VIP (10.000FLC, if ye be a VIP)
    [​IMG] 2nd Place: A booty of 60 days of VIP (8.000FLC, if ye be a VIP)
    [​IMG] 3rd Place: A booty of 30 days of VIP (5.000FLC, if ye be a VIP)

    , , !

    [​IMG] The contest sets sail on the 4th of September, 2023, and drops anchor on the 8th of September, 2023, at the stroke of midnight.
    [​IMG] Each member of the crew may send forth but a single yarn.
    [​IMG] The booty bestowed shall not be subject to negotiation, as that be the pirate's code.

    Now, me hearties, it be time to dip yer quills in the ink of adventure and let the tales of the virtual high seas flow! May yer narratives be as wild and thrillin' as a pirate's life on the boundless ocean!