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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. október 23..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    H&R - Hit And Run Rule Change / H&R - Hit And Run Rule Change

    From now on, instead of 14 days, you have 30 days to complete the H&R!

    The main rule has not changed:
    You can complete the H&R in two ways.

    list1. You keep the downloaded torrent in Seed for 48 hours.
    (This can also be done with interruptions if you can't run it for 48 hours at a time. The point is to run it for at least 48 hours in 30 days.)

    list2. If the torrent reaches 1.0, we immediately classify it as complete.

    If you don't know what H&R is, read the FAQ or the Rules, if it's still not clear, ask in the forum.


    From now on, instead of 14 days, you have 30 days to clear your H&R!

    The main rule remains unchanged:
    You can clear the H&R in two ways:

    list1. Seed the downloaded torrent for 48 hours.
    (This can be done with interruptions if you cannot run it continuously for 48 hours. The important thing is to run it for at least 48 hours within 30 days.) 2.

    listOnce the torrent reaches a ratio of 1.0, it is immediately considered cleared.

    If you're unsure about what H&R means, refer to the FAQ or the Rules. If it's still not clear, ask in the forum.
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  2. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    Lakhely :
    Mostantól 14 nap helyett 30 napod van a H&R teljesítésére!

    A főszabály nem változott:
    Kétféle módon tudod teljesíteni a H&R-t.

    [​IMG]1. 48 óráig Seedben tartod a letöltött torrentet.
    (Ezt lehet megszakításokkal is, ha nem tudod egyszerre 48 óráig futtatni. A lényeg, hogy 30 nap alatt futtasd legalább 48 órát.)

    [​IMG]2. Ha a torrent eléri a 1.0 arányt azonnal teljesítettnek minősítjük.

    Ha nem tudod mi az a H&R olvasd el a GYIK-et vagy a Szabályzatot, ha még mindig nem tiszta, kérdezz a fórumba.
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