More than 5k inactive users with bad ratio is deleted until now, we are still hunting down.
网站增加对UT3.4.2支持暨程序猿招募通告 首先向各位站友致歉,由于管理组工作关系导致对站点的技术调整没有跟上,致使大家更新新版本之后无法正常使 用,请大家谅解。本站今天增加对UT3.4.2支持!...
It's taken almost four years but a man alleged to be the former operator of a so-called piracy 'topsite' has now been charged. The man from Sweden...
The Russian government is considering radical plans to unplug the country from the worldwide web in the event of a serious military confrontation...
A US Senate panel has recently confirmed that the cyber attackers associated with the Chinese government have repeatedly infiltrated the computer...
BitHQ's Halloween presents... ABC: Movie of the Week
Hi, it seems our system or a bot has had a bit of wind in its brain and has completely removed all requests from the request section. Our sincere...
Good evening everyone! You have you know it, today was Monday! And like everyone else, it's just as rotten for you and Bookys! The waiter poorly...
Uploading rules have been updated. -No encode of the same film after an Internal release!
Last month UK police took down several torrent site proxies and arrested their owner. Now a UK developer has created a new & free service that not...
In recent weeks various music industry groups have sent takedown requests targeting Kim Dotcom's album Good Times. IFPI and others claim that...
It may be our company’s 10th anniversary, but we’re just getting started. Ten years ago online feels lightyears away. According to Pew, less than...
Üdv kedves kiscsibe. Én úgy tudom havat is mond a hétre XD Eddig úgy tűnt, hogy a négyből két évszak lesz, tél és nyár. De mostanság a nyár se...
The BPI has reached a new milestone in its ongoing efforts to have pirated content removed from the Internet. This week the music industry group...
The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Transformers: Age of Extinction' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Edge Of...
Second batch of inactive users with bad ratio will be deleted soon.for any concern contact scenetime.
Roger Langille DS Domination Unleashed & Monopoly Training DS Domination is the new program from Roger Langille and Hitesh Juneja that makes...
As we are a new site we are currently looking for staff + uploaders. No experience is required we will give any training needed. If you are...
Various Artists - Hollywood Rocks! (Box Set) (2005) [IMG] Sleaze Rock Tango Down - Charming Devil (2014) [IMG] Hard rock Threshold - For The...
Jó ez a hajó, majd elolvasom, ha hirtelen munkanélküli leszek XD. De mivel az ki van csukva, inkább üdvözölnélek kedves vajaszsemle azt hittem...
bocsi az offért,de lájkolni is lehet és elvileg van még pár extra cucc is mellette :) legalábbis szerintem :D
[IMG] Looking For Torrent Uploaders [You won't get better pay!] Hi we are currently looking for torrent uploaders who can upload to very specific...
Waffles Staff Picks - September Edition Welcome to the May edition of the Staff Picks. Please remember we do not look to balance...
With several million daily visitors The Pirate Bay is one of the 100 most-visited websites on the Internet. Despite its massive presence the...
After very publicly taking down a number of sites offering music, movies and TV shows without permission, City of London Police appear to have...
Please donate and help us pay the server cost. become a v.i.p. and help us keep the site alive.
July 2014 was by far the scariest month Bitsoup has ever had to deal with. We were 2 weeks away of being forced to make changes to Bitsoup that...
Hello, Its again the time of the month when we have to ask for your donations. With being stuck at only 18% which is a combined total of this and...
Kim Dotcom's Internet Party has scored just over 1.2% of the vote in New Zealand's parliamentary elections. It's a disappointing result that...