Dear users, Some of you have been sending invites to potential users who are using hotmail/live and other lesser known e-mail providers to sign...
According to a lawsuit filed in Pennsylvania this week, a Comcast user was sent a staggering 112 DMCA notices in just 48 hours after downloading...
From What.CD website: Quote: Thank you to all who participated in our password reset event. We are very pleased to see how many users reset their...
Tens of thousands of Internet subscribers are at risk of receiving piracy settlement demands after copyright trolls announced they are preparing...
Hello there! We want to announce that the sign ups will be open from October 5th. The invites will be disabled during that period, so don't worry,...
Datorită faptului că sunteți mulți și aveți o mulțime de întrebări și nelămuriri, ne-am gândit să facem mai uşoară interacţiunea cu voi, în...
Προσκλησεις Quote: Οι εγγραφές με προσκλήσεις είναι ανοιχτές για να προσκαλέσετε τους φίλους σας.Power Users και άνω μπορούν να στείλουν...
Today we'd like to take a quick moment to let you all know that SC4R has joined us as part of the internal team. Although they will retain the...
The Pirate Bay is down at the moment, causing concern among many BitTorrent users. While some fear the worst, the site probably won't be offline...
Verizon is protesting a broad subpoena the company received from Malibu Media, one of the most active copyright trolls in the United States. The...
Site Update (New Site) : Hello to all our members, As you well know this site as you see it will close on October 5, 2015. But, Staff are trying...
Car manufacturers including Ford, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda and Volvo plus technology giant Microsoft are just a handful of the 100 major companies...
HDChina的管理组是由原HDW部分管理和原OpenMV管理组组合而成,旨为各位追随HDChina 多年的会员提供一个合理、轻松、开放的高清氛围并提升原OpenMV活跃度,全新的HDChina是由原H DWinG的部分数据库整合Open...
In an attempt to make it harder for people to find pirated copies of its movies, Paramount Pictures has tried to remove several uTorrent forum...
WIR FEIERN GEBURTSTAG !!! Quote: Am 3. Oktober ist es endlich wieder soweit! NewPropaganda hat Geburtstag! Das wollen wir mit euch feiern. Ab...
VENDAS DE CONVITES Quote: Ficamos sabendo que tem pessoas aqui no site vendendo convites! AS DOAÇÕES SÃO PARA PAGAR O SERVIDOR E NÃO PARA GERAR...
Prosecutors recently outlined their extradition case against MegaUpload founder in a New Zealand court, describing the core allegation against the...
Heads up! WCD site maintenance in progress at the moment. from irc: Bourbon: We are just fixing some things that broke during the last... Quote: Hello, we want to remind you that renamed in For some reason there were too...
Alagorn RSS Aggregator Build Released Alagorn is an RSS Torrent Aggregation Program that allows you to pull torrent RSS feeds down...
Megaupload has asked a federal court in Virginia to postpone its legal battles with the MPAA and RIAA while the criminal proceedings remain...
Anti-piracy monetization firm Rightscorp says it has retained a lawyer known for his work with infamous copyright troll Dallas Buyers Club. Carl...
Giant Russian torrent site RUTracker says it is prepared to take extraordinary measures to ward off action that could see the site permanently...
We passed new permanent address for tracker ( So those who still have the old torrent client using tracker...
Only hours left for the relaunch Enjoy!!!
Hír létrehozva 22 órája: Hírt olvasottnak jelölni! Kedves felhasználók! Több apróbb változásra szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmeteket! A Prémium...
Torrent clients authorized on tracker !! From this weekend, an announcement will be made to limit the different clients torrents. I made a list...
Hello everybody, Firstly some of the longer standing members may remember me, I was admin a long while back and left for a long time. To all the...
The Russian equivalent of Facebook has been ordered by a court to crack down on music piracy. Following legal action initiated by Warner and...