Re: Szólánc észak
Re: A Special Thanks To You All Well guys, as you may have noticed the Donations bar has once again hit the 100% mark, so as a...
Re: GFT Reminder! Today, 12:03 AM We have an increase in hit and runs and questions around it so i wish to remind you all what goes and not! This...
Re: GFT GFT goes ratio... Yesterday, 01:35 AM ...or not! APRIL FOOLS! Seems a lot of you fell for this and was all freaked out... GFT is NOT...
Re: GFT Max Avatar Size 31 Mar 2011 there is now a limit of 100x100px for your avatar size on torrent comments + profile 100 x 150 is max size...
Re: GFT IRC Idle Bonus 31 Mar 2011 The new IRC Idle Bonus is nearly done! So get your buttz into the channel so your ready to earn free points...
Re: GFT WATCH IT... 26 Mar 2011 We got a problem with a Romanian that has a really small penis. This guy keep hacking your accounts and uploading...
Re: Milyen filmet néztél utoljára? Értékeld! Piranha 10/7