has created discord channel for users. Users can join discord channel through following link:
People in the site's discord server are asking what has happened, but to no avail. Apparently the sysop was contacted two weeks ago and no sign of...
bitGAMER Discord Chat! With having to remove our old chat bar from bG recently, we have been considering other options to help our community stay...
Globális freeleech mód aktiválva!
bitGAMER Discord Chat! Mivel a közelmúltban el kellett távolítanunk a régi chat-sávot a bG-ből, más lehetőségeket fontolgatunk, amelyek segítenek...
Posted by: S****** HDS now has a Discord it's called HD Lounge. Click Here to Join. There is a forum topic if you need any help or info....
Under maintenance Please visit discord OR #AsianCinema on for updates
NEWS DISCORD If you need help, support is now also available on Discord. There is also the opportunity to have a chat with other members.
Hír létrehozva 1 perce: Húsvéti keresztrejtvény - Hozzászólok a fórumban! Hamarosan itt a Húsvét, s ez évben is szeretnénk kedveskedni Nektek...
TorrentBD Discord Server Hello Everyone! You were requesting for an official Discord server lately, so we've set one up for you. The main purpose...
Hi Everyone, we've got an official TranceTraffic Discord server for those who want to idle in chat and shit talk. We'll keep it open for a while...
Google Translation: We are under maintenance Enjoy our discord and stay on top of updates God 's in His heaven - All's right with the world!...
Kedves Felhasználóink! Véget ért a IV. nCore Contest, melynek keretében minél több kérés teljesítését céloztuk meg. A verseny sikerrel zárult,...
Hey everyone, Are you bored, nothing on cable TV or Netflix? Come check out my REIGNFLIX Plex Servers, over 10 000 movies, 1500 tv shows, 1/4...
Discord Chat room We have now a new Discord Chat room those of you who are on the old Discord room go to the left side of old room and click on...
Google Translation: We are searching you! If you are interested, just let us know or watch the Discord.
2019-05-06 - Mint korábban bejelentettük, az aktív emberek számára, akik közvetlenebb kapcsolatot kívánnak kialakítani a személyzet vagy a webhely...
Under maintenance Please visit Code: OR #AsianCinema on for updates
It's time to tell your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and classmates to join SceneTime. We are going to have open registration from...
Chat - Discord A chat-et megszűntettük, és átvette a helyét a discord. Itt közvetlenül értesülhetsz a hírekröl, kérhetsz segítséget, vagy csak...
Just a reminder that we have a Discord server. here Make sure to post your Discord username in the thread below, to verify your account,...
[IMG] Kedves Felhasználóink! A 21. század igényeihez igazodva IRC csatornáink mellett megnyílt hivatalos Discord szerverünk is, ahol gyorsan...
IRC? No! But Were On Discord! Published at 25 Jun 2017 Feel free to join our new discord channel! This can be used for general chat or support!...