Dear users of TV It's with great sadness that we have to announce that TV is officially dead after a providing our users with releases for a...
For the next 3 days you will receive double the credits for any donation made to TorrentVault, This includes both VIP and GB deals. DONATE HERE
We are happy to say that Avtec is back after some RL issues and the site is back to normal (or what passes for normal here!). For more info see...
An important message to all members regarding donations and the status of the site It has now been 2 weeks since we have had any communication...
Hello again people of MTV, So November is approaching fast and so is the winter so staff wanted to do something fun so we decided to host a...
Due to unexpected issues caused by a crashed SQL-Database, we unfortunately lost 2 weeks of tracker activities.. These 2 weeks means that we need...
Recent Events, posted 10 hours ago: Due to unexpected issues caused by a crashed SQL-Database, we unfortunately lost 2 weeks of tracker...
iRC LOGiN WORK COMPLETED We are currently adding and fixing a few scripts on our irc bot.. So if you are experiencing problems with channel...
TorrentVault closed their open signup just before SCC closed, so for anyone looking for a replacement site you can use the invite code SCCTV for a...
For the next 3 days you will receive double the credits for any donation made to TorrentVault, This includes both VIP and GB deals. If we reach...
As we didnt reach our donation goal for August we are offering double the credits for any VIP Donation. We rely on donations to keep our servers...
Global Freeleech for 1 week, ends Aug 30th.
For the next 3 days you will receive double the credits for any VIP Donation(including VIP time!). If we reach our goal Freeleech will be enabled...
With just 7 days until the end of the month our donation goal is at only 20% If you wish to support the site we are offering double the credits...
Due to Market FL pot being full once again, we just enabled Global FL for a week.. Happy Leeching and Enjoy
For the next 48 hours you will receive double the credits for any VIP Donation.
Global Freeleech Once agein the freeleech pot is full.. enjoy a week of GFL.
For the next 48 hours you will receive double the credits for any VIP Donation. If we reach our goal Freeleech will be enabled for 7 days.
Freeleech has been turned on for the next two weeks , enjoy!
We hit the 100% mark!!! FL will be active until the 17th ! thank you all for your support :regular_smile:
2016.12.12 - freeleech ended
Due to Market FL pot being full once again, we just enabled Global FL for a week.. Happy Leeching and Enjoy [IMG]
Due to Market FL pot being full once again, we just enabled Global FL for a week.. Happy Leeching and Enjoy :regular_smile:
For the next 48hours(2d) we are offering double the credits for 25 and up. Donate 25 and receive (Three Months VIP) *100GB Upload *10 Invites...
Our IRC is currently offline, it should be back online soon.
market freeleech pot reached 100% yet again, so FL enabled for a week.. Enjoy