Külföldi torrent oldalak Secret-Cinema | SC 10K Update + Future Plans

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. március 03..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Lakhely :
    Congratulations all to 10,000 torrents and thanks all for uploading them goodies.

    It's been a great first year and thanks for sticking with us and help the platform to improve upon our humble abode: Secret Cinema. With this continuation of upload activity we'd like to tease with some new features that are going to be added in the near feature. We're all busy as you all are so obviously we can't give deadlines for anything. Please feel free to give suggestions on how to improve or add and we'll take everything into consideration. Even if we don't outwardly show acknowledgement for your reply, we still discuss it!

    • Also, we'd like to present the new Concession Stand! (GB Store)

    We are going to add more items to the shop but we'll start with Invites and Custom Title that will be available for a certain amount of GB. (We have therefore been obliged to bump the usercount to 3.5k and reset all invite count besides the Cinephile users.)

    • We're going to rework the header
    • We're going to revamp the homepage
    • We're going to add a Discovery page
    • We're going to scrape most of the IMDb data
    • And add a special feature (not unique) to the torrents

    Hope you're as enthusiastic about this as us and that this is of course apart from all bugs and fixes. A lot more to come. In time. See ya around suckas.


    Note: You can now buy invites!!!!!!
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