Külföldi torrent oldalak HD-Space | HDS 5 Years Hd-space

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. augusztus 01..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    5 years HD-Space

    Today is a great day.
    Thanks to all of you HD-Space.org is celebrating his fifth birhday! During this 5 years there was bad and good moments,but still we are together and we are getting stronger! We will continue to work to make this site the best for the HD,just because of you!
    Since we are celebrating, we are opening the sign ups for 5 days and the whole site is set to freeleech for 5 days! Also we lottery is started with minimum price of 1 TB upload. New design is coming too,so you will be surprised.
    If you want to say something about the birthday, you can do it from here.

    And again, thank you for your support! Thanks to you we are still here!!

    Truly yours,
    HD-Space Staff