Külföldi torrent oldalak Cinematik | TIK About IRC channel

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    2016. április 14.
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    It appears that 79% of respondents to our most recent poll have never visited our IRC channel --or ignore its existence, even. Assuming that to be a representative sample of our user base, we thought it would be time to try and turn that trend around.

    To that end, we have decided to launch a new, improved, more efficient, and more secure IRC channel (or tik-related series of channels), which you are all strongly encouraged to visit. It is a place of serious and semi-serious thought, lofty ideas, high jinks, brain farts, and bad jokes, in which everything can be discussed, tik-related or not.

    We already have a hardcore group of visitors/contributors, some of which have been instrumental in implementing this new system, but it is our goal to expand participation as much as possible, so as to make our IRC channel a genuine hub for our community --and one that is functional, open, friendly, and welcoming to a free flow of ideas and opinions. Also, regular staff presence on IRC is guaranteed, so that should be your privileged communication channel if you ever get in trouble on the site (naughty, naughty...), or for any other issue you might want to raise with staff. Additionally, keep in mind that the channel will be an official source of updates should there ever be any problems with the site (fingers crossed...)

    For those of you who regularly use (or have occasionally used) our IRC channel, please note that we have migrated to a NEW SERVER, which is more stable and secure. Specs are as follows:

    Server: irc.p2p-network.net / SSL Port: 6697 or 7000 [Non-SSL Port: 6669] / Channel: #Cinematik

    If you are a newbie, you are not familiar with IRC, or haven't used it in 20 years, no worries! In a brand new IRC-dedicated forum section on our general forum you will soon find everything you need to start up: rules of behavior, general instructions, and step-by-step guides --all designed and conceived by a small group of enthusiastic and dedicated members who volunteered their time to make tik a better place. We should all be very grateful to them, so what are you waiting for? Join the party and go thank them in person!

    Finally, our thoughts go to our fellow tikster and staffer e***********, who has recently --and tragically-- passed away and is sorely missed. He has efficiently managed our old IRC channel for years until his personal problems kept him from doing so. We like to think that he would approve of this changeover, and it is sad to think that he won't be around to witness it.

    Love, Staff