Külföldi torrent oldalak ABTorrents | ABT Abt Wallpaper Contest

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. augusztus 10..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    ABT Wallpaper Contest

    ABT Wallpaper Contest

    For the next two weeks we will be accepting your background wallpaper for our wallpaper contest.
    The prizes are as follows:
    3rd place will receive 5gigs of upload credit;
    2nd place will receive 10gigs of upload credit;
    1st place will receive 20 gigs of upload credit.
    The winner will have their wallpaper displayed as the site wallpaper.

    The Rules

    1. Each member can submit 1 wallpaper for consideration.
    2. The wallpaper has to be the size 1920px by 1200px.
    3. The wallpaper needs to be Comic themed. Anything related to comics will be ok.
    4. Post your wallpaper in the forums in the contest section.
    5. Your wallpaper needs to be a .jpg file.
    6. The last day of the contest will be August 21.