Külföldi torrent oldalak Hey.Fux0r.eu | Fux0r Account Security Reminder

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. augusztus 16..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Account Security Reminder

    As many of you may have noticed, an attempt was made on 100's of accounts today. If you didn't receive a notice of failed login, then your account was not affected.

    Please take a moment to ensure that you are using a strong password that is unique to this site. If you need help creating one, then http://www.strongpasswordgenerator.com/ is a great tool to use. Optionally, we have two-factor authentication available for users with Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. Information regarding this is available further down the page and can be discussed here. ----> forums.php?action=viewthread&threadid=3677

    [HR][/HR] This was a mass notice sent to the following member classes:
    Leecher, User, Member, Power User, Tester, Donor, Power User Plus, Hustler, Power User Extreme, Player, Power User Elite, Pimp, Porn Lover, KingPin, Porn Addict, OG, Legend, VIP, Uploader, Beta Team, Celebrity, Consigliere, Content Moderator, Forum Moderator, Moderator, Administrator, SysOp