Külföldi torrent oldalak CinemaGeddon l CG Adam Cooley Rip

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. február 08..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Adam Cooley RIP

    Those of you who've been paying attention to the forums will have noticed that we lost one of our own; Adam Cooley, AKA polysicsarebest, has shuffled off this mortal coil to sneer at the great oscar ceremony in the sky. He's been a faithful member of our community for years, and his numerous uploads include his own work. In his memory, we've made those films he's made free for the next week or so; upload will count as double and download is free.

    Alas, one of his DVDs is excepted from this as the only two extant snatches belong to parked members, so if anyone would care to seed it or replace it, let us know.

    The freeleech films are…
    The No Trilogy (plus shorts and Man of the Graveyard Man) (Adam Cooley) [2009/DVDRIP/XViD]
    Blaze the Pot Smoking Deer: Series 1 (Adam Cooley) [HAPPY 420!] [2009/DVDRIP/XViD]
    Mirrors Facing Mirrors (Adam Cooley) [2010/Other/XViD]
    Me, Myself, and My Third Eye: 4 Enlightened Stories for 1 Imperfect God (Adam Cooley) [2010/DVDRIP/XViD]
    Currently Untitled (Adam Cooley) [2010/Other/XViD]