Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV Adopt a Show v3

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  1. CF dealer / Tulajdonos Vezetőségi tag

    2011. június 15.
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    Today, We are happy to announce the reboot of our Adopt a Show contest, which has been taken on by e*. Many of our older members may remember this contest because it was quite popular in the past. We are hopeful that both new and old members will have a look and adopt some shows. The idea is simple: Adopt torrents you can continually seed and as a result you will receive perks and our community will benefit from improved torrent retention.

    Discussion Link

    Adopt a Show Link


    This is the post where you can adopt your favorite TV shows and movies, and make sure people get to enjoy it as much as you do.

    If you want to adopt a show, just post the name of the series on this thread using the following format:

    TV Shows: Wiki.
    Movies: Wiki.

    Important: In case you already adopted a show/movie, any additional adoptions or any modifications to the original adoption should be on a new post. This makes the new adoptions easier to notice. Please take this into consideration when changing or adding something. We want to make it as easy as possible to reward you and not waste time.

    What it means to adopt a TV show/movie:
    • Make sure everything is seeded and whatever you adopted does not go unseeded for over 1 month!
    • Report to us any torrent that does not have a detailed description when adopting.
    • Communicate with us and use common sense.

    We understand that you all have a real life to attend to. And things can happen. Adopting a TV show is not really like adopting a child and we have never taken things too seriously or too far. In case anyone of you guys adopted a show, and then something came up like financial issues, hardware failures, or fights with the wife caused by unexplained payments for "terabit sshdd microbyte uplink seedbag?! WTF IS THAT???", then you can come to us beforehand. You can trust us to understand the situation and take things into consideration.

    How it works:
    Adopt as many season packs or movies as you wish and seed them continually. After each month seeding you will accumulate the points listed below which you can then exchange for perks.
    • Movies are worth half as many points per resolution
    • SD torrents are worth 1 point
    • HD 720p torrents are worth 2 points
    • HD 1080p torrents are worth 3 points
    • UHD 2160p torrents are worth 4 points
    • INTERNAL torrents give you an extra point

    Any torrent may be given an extra value to help with site needs.

    What you get for your points:
    When you adopt a TV show/movie you may earn these perks through your points accumulated:
    • AaS Badge - 10 points
    • Custom Title - 20 points
    • 1 Invite - 50 points
    • VIP User Class - 100 points
    • Voice on IRC - 250 points
    • Seedbox (1 month plan, 1 request per year) - 500 points

    Please note that the invites offered for adopting a show are still subject to the invite rules mentioned in our Wiki.

    With that said, a final message: Seed'em ALL!

    *This is a work in progress, all things are subject to change so just use common sense and make life easy.
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