Külföldi torrent oldalak Awesome-HD | AHD Advisory: Bcg Hacked - Secure Your Passwords - A Reminder

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. július 27..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Advisory: BCG Hacked - Secure Your Passwords - A Reminder

    Hello members.

    You may or may-not be aware of the recent hack of tracker site Blackcats-Games (BCG).

    Reports indicate that due to the site being compromised and 100% of its Data Leaked (read; all), Awesome-HD SYSOPS and Staff are reminding you to make sure your password at this tracker as well as your other trackers, email accounts and other services are using Strong and Secure Passwords.

    Basically any site account/membership you care to not be accessed because of same password(s) in use at your other websites for membership/email and/or you are using weak passwords.

    We are advising you to change your passwords if they are weak and/or you are using the same one(s) at various websites, online services and email.

    If you are a member of BCG, Please Change Your Password ASAP, like right now!

    If you are using the same password at BCG as you are at Awesome-HD, Please Change Your Password immediately.

    We remind you that only You are responsible for your account here at Awesome-HD. This includes making sure your password is strong and secure.

    Please see this Forums > News > Password Advisory - Is your password unique? to refresh and learn as needed.

    Questions? PM a Staff member.