Külföldi torrent oldalak AnimeBytes | AB News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. május 10..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
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    May updates

    A few quick updates:

    After changing our password security last year, many people still haven't updated their passwords yet. In a weeks time (May 16th) everybody who hasn't reset their password yet will need to select a new password. We recommend using unique passwords (a different on for each of your accounts) as well as strong passwords (At least eight characters, containing upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and punctuation or other symbols). Websites like strongpasswordgenerator can help you with those. You may also want to use a password manager or vault like KeePass to store your unique passwords in. If you don't know where to update your password before the 16th, please take a look at your settings.

    Secondly we have a small reminder about the last announcement: You can still submit your votes for the fourth anual AnimeBytes Top 50 Collage here and get with information on the process and links to the old collages. Votes are open before May 14th, so get your vote on!

    On the development side of things:
    We added two new options in the user settings that affect the forum view a bit. You can now hide all author info in a post (achievements, treats, etc.) and there are more options on how avatars are displayed: hidden, shown, circle and cut-off/square-like. Give it a try to see what that exactly means

    Also, we added two-factor authentication. Go to account settings to enable it. Google Authenticator is supported. If you haven't used two-factor authentication before, one important thing to keep in mind is that you won't be able to log in if you lose your phone, so use responsibly.

    With these more regular announcements we also realized that this is some prime "advertising" space for community projects just like the AB podcast for which I'll hand this over to Except:

    Greetings ABusers! As some of you might know, we are running a podcast where we discuss anime after the end of each season. For those of you who just found out, though, I have a couple of links and directions that will help if you are interested in that sort of thing. More to the point, even if you aren't or if you have never tried listening to a podcast - try it out! You might very well enjoy it! So, first things first, we've got a forum thread where you can leave feedback, discuss the latest podcast and reach out to the team and me if you have any questions. Next, there's our official blog that we try to update relatively often. If you are curious as to when the next show is coming or are trying to find the list of changes that have been made to the format of the podcast - this is the place to go to. Although all the episodes of the show are available in MP3 and AAC on our blog, we also have a YouTube Channel and we would love your support so that more people know about it. Maybe even people who are not necessarily from AB but are still interested in anime! Last but not least, we've been thinking of more show formats to fill the channel with, so we are doing a review show on a semi-regular basis and I am also currently looking for feedback on the idea of interviews with AB members and staff. So if you're interested in that, please do drop by and vote on the poll. Other than that, if you already are following our work, thank you very much for your support and we hope to continue making the show better with each upcoming episode

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    - Except

    And now for your regularly scheduled fanservice:

    (Please blame potatoe for the excessive amounts)