Külföldi torrent oldalak Orpheus | OPS | Apollo Apollo [APL]

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Siska hozta létre. Ekkor: 2016. december 06..

  1. Siska /

    2013. augusztus 31.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Hola lovely people!Our IRC network is officially open. Please join us on irc.apollo.rip:+7000 (ssl) or irc.apollo.rip:6667 (non-ssl). To invite yourself to our channels use the following command: /msg APOLLO enter #apollo,#announce (change and to your username and irc key). You will need to set IRC key in your profile (EDIT > ACCESS SETTINGS > IRC key) to get invited.We've also got a community challenge for you If you reach 300,000 uploads, and 100,000 "Perfect" FLACs by December, 8th 23:59 UTC (3 days), free leech will be extended by another 3 days. If you beat this challenge, there will be another one after it We will continue with the challenges until you fail or we reach 500,000 "Perfect" FLACs So come on people, show us what this community can do!Once free leech ends, you will receive the following:1 free leech token for every 5 "Perfect" FLACs you uploaded1 invite for every 20 "Perfect" FLACs you uploadedThere is a lot of work to be done, and we need your help! We are recruiting users for the following teams:Clean up team - Clean up torrent/group descriptions, cover photos, titles, etcDesigners - Designers and CSS developers to make us awesome new themes & graphicsDevelopers - PHP, MySql, Python, C++ and Javascript developersInterviewers - Interview new members on IRCFIrst Line Support (FLS)- Help other membersIf you would wish to volunteer and contribute to any of these teams, please apply by sending a staff pm or message a staff member on our IRC network.Attention current & former NoStream members, we have been notified that NoStream's database has been leaked, if you are using the same password on Apollo, please change it asap.Thank you all for your efforts and support!//Apollo Staff
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