Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianDVDClub | ADC AsianDVDClub News : Merry Christmas

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. december 27..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Hangjelzés a Chaten:
    Merry Christmas Eve everyone. Happy Holidays Eve as well. And, just in case you are into something else, fill it in right here: __. I believe in inclusivity to all except actual Nazi types. Those can just F the H right off.

    I want to make a few extra freeleech starting tomorrow and going for five days after. And I want to make this open to anyone who is in the Discord. So, what I need from you is to post a title of what you want—make sure it has seeds first as I do not have seed magic—and depending upon how many, I will either set them all, or pick a reasonable number from what is listed.

    Do not disappoint me community. I need your help on this one.

    On Christmas Morning they have server issue

    The server seems to be broken, it does not power on. I need to consult Solcen on what to do (right now he is unreachable). Worst come to worst, I will buy a new server. For now, I am paying remote hands to troubleshoot the issue.

    Now they back

    everyone After remote hands power cycle the server, it went back online. Website is accessible now.