Külföldi torrent oldalak Awesome-HD | AHD Awesome-hd Internal Archive Team

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 20..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Awesome-HD Internal Archive Team

    You asked, and we listened. The staff is happy to announce the creation of the Awesome-HD Internal Archive Team. We are looking for trustworthy and dedicated users with usenet access to join the team.

    Q: So, what is Awesome-HD Internal Archive Team, exactly?
    A: Awesome-HD Internal Archive Team consists of staff picked users that are tasked with uploading internal releases to usenet for backup purposes, and reseeding them when the time comes. This will alleviate the issue of internal releases dying, as well as slow speeds on very poorly seeded (1 or 2 seeds) torrents.

    Q: Is usenet safe? Won't all our uploads be taken down due to DMCA?
    A: Yes, it is safe. Our uploads will use random file names and encrypted RARs, so their contents will not be visible to the public, preventing them from being hit with DMCA takedowns.

    Q: That sounds cool, but why should I join?
    A: Selected users will transcend to a new user class, Archivist, which comes with some very nifty perks. Archivists will gain access to their own sub-forum, which will contain information on all internal backups, so you can grab these releases straight off usenet for your own use, no seeding required. Archivists also get FREE custom titles, as well as the ability to send invites. The best perk however, is site wide freeleech!

    Q: Is there a minimum commitment level?
    A: Yes, you will be expected to archive at least a certain number of releases a month (we will provide a script for doing this that can be ran on completion of a torrent download).

    Q: Okay, I want to join, how do I apply?
    A: Send chunkylover53 a PM (that's me), with the subject Archivist Application: Username (obviously replacing with your own username), with the responses to these questions.

    1. Explain your familiarity with newsgroups.
    2. Do you plan to upload from home or a server?
    3. If you plan to upload from a server, do you know your way around a terminal?
    4. Would you prefer to work on new releases or old releases?
    5. Why should we pick you to join our team?

    The Staff