Bd25 (bd25): Welcome Back

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. január 24..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Welcome back

    Dear members,

    Welcome back to our beloved Blu-Ray site.

    I apologize for the extended downtime, which had to do with the disappearance of my host, a reseller of hosting services. Unfortunately, not only the site went down, I also lost the domain name, because it was part of the hosting deal. I will never make that mistake again.

    The site is back, but we lost one month of data. Our internal encoders have re-announced all their releases, so you won't miss those releases. We lost an estimated 100-150 spots. Which is bad news, but I'm sure that all those spots will be re-spotted over time. One of our dedicated spotters, spaceman_spiff, already spotted about 40 old and new spots after the site went up again. I hope this example will be followed.

    The start of this year was rough, but the support I received during the downtime was overwhelming and is much appreciated.

    Thanks for your support!
