Külföldi torrent oldalak BitGamer | BG Bitgamer Lottery!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. április 01..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Re: Bitgamer

    bitGAMER Lottery!

    The following users have each been given 184.89 GB of upload credit as a result of their tickets being randomly chosen in this month's bitGAMER Lottery:
    tecate (With Ticket 2718)
    Leapy72,369 Folding@home Points (With Ticket 12795)
    astankoski (With Ticket 1409)
    NME4CE (With Ticket 4099)
    thewizzy (With Ticket 5428)
    Sparkles (With Ticket 345)
    Azid (With Ticket 5833)
    Kazan (With Ticket 9971)
    mastermargie (With Ticket 11098)
    nerority (With Ticket 14302).


    NOTE: You must be a Power User or above to participate in the bitGAMER Lottery.