Külföldi torrent oldalak BitGamer | BG Bitgamer Lottery!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. december 03..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    bitGAMER Lottery!

    The following users have each been given 202.23 GB of upload credit as a result of their tickets being randomly chosen in this month's bitGAMER Lottery:
    draxxx (With Ticket 7456)
    Ansith (With Ticket 10107)
    Hushak (With Ticket 15155)
    MedoSaeid (With Ticket 9731)
    JvvB126 (With Ticket 7629)
    lijencinaCRO (With Ticket 12486)
    Sexbarril (With Ticket 12559)
    Rojikku[​IMG] (With Ticket 3967)
    Sinoris[​IMG] (With Ticket 17791)
    vonshirach (With Ticket 1174).


    NOTE: You must be a Power User or above to participate in the bitGAMER Lottery.