Külföldi torrent oldalak BitHQ | BHQ Bithq 2.0 Is Around The Corner!

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2014. július 27..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    BitHQ 2.0 is around the corner!

    Hey folks, BitHQ will go into Beta testing with our Staff and Uploading team in about a weeks time. After that we're going to demo things out with the team for about a month to work out bugs and kinks.

    2.0 is set to launch by the end of August. Currently our signups have been closed down and your invites will not allow others to join.

    What we will require from you? Please go through your mailbox and delete messages you no longer need.

    The last week of August this site will most likely be completely shut down for the migration process. Since it's only 1 person doing the migration it will take a couple days to get things rolling. More updates will be happening in the coming weeks, so please pay attention. We have a lot of new and great features coming that we will slowly leak.