Külföldi torrent oldalak BitSpyder | BS BitSpyder News : GMAIL ISSUES

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. december 17..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    It has come to my attention over the past few weeks/months that password reset and invite emails being sent to Gmail addresses are not being received. My assumption/understanding is that Google are now blocking the Bitspyder domain and there's nothing I can do about it.

    Ash is the owner/registrar of the site/domain and has been AWOL from this site for a long time. He occasionally logs in but he hasn't responded to my messages for years which means I am unable to do anything to fix or assist with this issue.

    Any future invites should be sent to non-Gmail addresses as those sent to Gmail will simply be lost. I would recommend all users change their registered email address to something other than Gmail. You can do this via the "Settings" option located at the top of the site. Failure to do so will mean that you won't be able to reset your password and instead have to come to IRC and wait for me to deal with it - Et*****