Külföldi torrent oldalak Waffles | WFL Blues & Jazz Waffler Design Contest

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2010. szeptember 21..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Blues & Jazz Waffler Design Contest
    2010-09-19 10:18:33


    It's time to get down & wig out to some

    Blues & Jazz!

    Dig: we will be having an upload week, and we feel that now is as good a time as any to give some attention to some hep genres - Blues and Jazz. But this time around we thought we'd throw in something a bit different on top of it. We're sure the majority of you know that for past themed weeks, we have always had a waffler or two specially designed to grace the announcement. Well, for a change, before the actual upload contest starts, we thought we'd hold a pre-contest - this time around you guys are designing the Wafflers! Here's how it breaks down:

    Part 1: The Design.

    We always use 2 different Wafflers - one larger one (like the one above) for the homepage announcement, and another as a "Donate!" image, upside-down in the top-right corner of every site page. (For an extensive list of examples, check here.) We're going to need both in 2 different styles - Blues Waffler & Jazz Waffler. That's 4 categories. You've got 1 week to do it.

    The Rules
    # only 1 entry per user per category allowed (1 user can submit 1 waffler in each category, max.)
    # entries must be posted in this thread
    # announcement image should be 350px × 350px maximum
    # donate image should be 172px × 75px maximum
    # both images must be in .png format with a transparent background
    # Design: the sky is the limit - just make an honest effort; 10 second MSpaint entries won't qualify.
    The Rewards
    # Each entry receives: 250 points
    # 3rd place: 1000 points
    # 2nd place: 2500 points
    # 1st place: 7000 points + forum award + custom title

    STARTS: Sunday Sept. 19, 11:00 AM (6 AM EST)
    ENDS: Saturday Sept. 25, 11:00 PM GMT (7 PM EST)

    IMPORTANT: We will make a formal announcement for the official upload week & the details of it after this first contest has concluded. There will be no changes in regards to uploading Blues & Jazz albums until that time. Stay tuned.