Külföldi torrent oldalak SpeedApp | SpeedApp.io Cadou surpriza

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2021. december 01..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    After a long and exhausting year it's once again Winter Holiday season when we all retreat in the comfort of our homes, sit in our comfy armchair, take a sip of wine with cinnammon and enjoy a movie downloaded from SpeedApp.

    In support of the moviegoers, the gamers and information addicts of all ages, the winter holidays greet us with a huge list of presents [​IMG]

    As some of you already notices, in the bottom right corner of any SpeedApp page you'll find a surprise gift [​IMG] The gifts come in all sizes, depending on the mood of the servers and bits [​IMG] Don't forget to check in every day to open your present. Unopen presents in one day will not be able to be opened the next day.

    We're also happy to announce that at 12 AM UTC the 2nd edition of the Seed Contest has begun [​IMG] This new edition greets us with a pretty big list of torrents that await for your downloads and bountiful prizes for all you hardworking seeders. The prizes include bonus points, VIP class and freeleech/double seed tokens. You can find more info regarding the contest (rules, included torrents, etc) over here: https://speedapp.io/forum/3595/view?page=1#89791

    The last, but not least, present from SpeedApp is Global Freeleech for the entirety of December. The Global Freeleech is a great opportunity for you to build your ratios. Don't forget to seed as
    well. Freeleech only allows you to download without it counting against your ratio while the minimum seed time requirement is still in effect [​IMG]

    Ah, there was another thing I forgot to mention. The rumour-mill is buzzing that there may also be a Free Signup in the near future [​IMG] The exact moment this might happen will be announced in the coming weeks.

    Happy birthday Romania and Happy Birthday Romanians everywhere!
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