Külföldi torrent oldalak Cathode Ray.tube | CRT Cathode-Ray.Tube News : Atypical Animation Techniques Upload Contest!

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' ForsakenFear hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. december 09..

  1. ForsakenFear /

    2023. október 21.
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    Atypical Animation Techniques Upload Contest!

    It's puellapurpura's turn now and the chosen theme for the contest is an interesting one: atypical animation techniques. Prepare yourselves to see a lot of creative (sometimes weird) stuff touching a wide breadth of genres, with a few well known titles but a lot of pretty obscure ones too. As the theme name implies, the amount of media made with these uncommon techniques is relatively small, but with works coming out from all over the world and with a history going back to almost the start of cinema itself, there's still plenty of interesting things to watch.

    For the purposes of this contest, an atypical animation technique will simply be any animation technique that's NOT:

    a) Traditional animation, in which each frame is drawn by hand, either on cels or on a computer, with the notable exception of rotoscoping which is allowed.
    b) Computer animation, mainly 3D, in which characters and objects are digitally modeled and manipulated in a computer to create movement.

    Thus, allowed techniques include but are not limited to: stop motion animation, drawn-on-film animation, paint-on-glass animation, pinscreen animation, sand animation, among others.

    Of these, stop motion animation in particular has many distinct types, which include but are not limited to: puppet animation, clay animation, plasticine animation, cutout animation, silhouette animation, object animation, graphic animation, brickfilm, pixilation, chuckimation, etc.

    With that out the way, these are the rules for the contest:

    The contest is open for the Movies and TV categories.
    The majority of the work must use one or more atypical animation techniques. Hybrid live-action works count as long as they meet this requirement.
    The torrents must be tagged at the very least with the animation tag, the name of the animation technique(s) (stop.motion.animation, drawn.on.film.animation, pinscreen.animation, etc.) and if the technique is stop motion, also its type (puppet.animation, clay.animation, brickfilm, etc.). In the case of rotoscoping, besides the animation tag, the animation technique would be traditional.animation and its type would be rotoscoping.
    All other standard torrent upload rules apply.
    Only torrents uploaded after the publication of this announcement count for the contest.
    Once you have uploaded your torrent(s) reply to the forum thread associated to this announcement to submit your entries for the contest. Group the links to your torrents in a single post, editing your post as necessary. If you would like to participate anonymously send us the links to your torrents in a Staff PM before the contest ends.

    The rewards:

    Upload at least 5 staff-approved torrents to receive a badge* to commemorate your participation in the contest.
    Upload at least 10 staff-approved torrents to receive 20 tokens* and personal site-wide Freeleech for 1 week*.
    The uploader with the most torrents approved gets to decide the second theme of the next contest, in which two themes will run in parallel, with participants able to upload torrents that fit one theme or the other, non-exclusively. To avoid ties, the winner of this contest will be the uploader that reached the top spot first.
    All staff-approved torrents will receive Freeleech and Doubleseed status once approved and will keep that status for a week after the contest ends. The Freeleech only applies to torrents that wouldn't have gained Freeleech status automatically.

    * These rewards will be given once the contest has ended.

    The contest will last until the end of December 22nd.