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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Péter28 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2023. november 06..

  1. Péter28 / Guest

    Non-English Movies by Female Directors Upload Contest!

    As the winner of the previous one, embolism2168 got to decide the theme for our latest contest and the theme chosen was non-English movies directed by female directors. We are surely lacking on movies fitting that criteria so this will be a nice opportunity to improve our library and hopefully getting a hold of some hidden gems.

    The rules for this contest are as follows:

    • The contest is limited to the Movies category.
    • The movie director (or directors if more than one) must identify as female (at least during the movie's production).
    • The movie's original language must not be English.
    • All genres and sub-genres allowed.
    • All other standard torrent upload rules apply. Remember that movies uploaded here still require the availability of English audio and/or subtitles tracks.
    • Only torrents uploaded after the publication of this announcement are allowed.
    • The torrents must be tagged at the very least with the female.director and non.english tags.
    • Once you have uploaded your torrent(s) reply to the forum thread associated to this announcement to submit your entries for the contest. Group the links to your torrents in a single post, editing your post as necessary. If you would like to participate anonymously send us the links to your torrents in a Staff PM.

    The rewards:

    • Upload at least 3 staff-approved torrents to receive a badge* to commemorate your participation in the contest.
    • Upload at least 5 staff-approved torrents to receive 15 tokens*.
    • Upload at least 10 staff-approved torrents to receive 1 invite*.
    • All staff-approved torrents will receive Freeleech and Doubleseed status once approved and will keep that status for a week after the contest ends. The Freeleech only applies to torrents that wouldn't have gained Freeleech status automatically.
    • Finally, the uploader with the most torrents approved gets to decide on the theme of the next contest... after the next one! That's right, the theme for the next contest is already set (since before Halloween, in fact, but there were delays), but you get to choose the one after that!

    * These rewards will be given once the contest has ended.

    The contest will last until November 19th.

    Discuss this post here