Külföldi torrent oldalak TorrentBytes | TBy Child Pornography / Bestiality Etc

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Pegazus_SCD hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. augusztus 03..

  1. Pegazus_SCD / NoPainNoGain

    2010. július 29.
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    Re: TorrentBytes

    2010-08-08 12:54:35
    Child Pornography / Bestiality etc

    Just a quick note for those who post in our forums. Torrentbytes is not responsible for what you post. If we say images outwith the rules we will remove them and the user will be banned instantly. If the material is debatable the it will be a staff members decision on what action is taken (eg. image removed, remains etc). Ultimately the person posting the image or links are responsible and Torrentbytes can not defend your actions and have no option but to provide corporation with any authority. So before posting and if anything looks iffy .....check it out. Check out you countrys laws as some are pretty wacky. For the sake of this sites well being and security instant bans will be imposed, anyone quoting the images will receive the same ban even if they are highlighting the person is underage or may be, they are still posting the image. So be sensible people. //BoB

    Can I ask that all members of this site be vigilant also and report any such infringement to staff immediately , either using the staff message facility, directly to myself or via the report facility. I do not wish anyone to be afraid to post anything however use common sense and remember if you want to be known as a support of child sex then public promotion is always the best way to do that. If in doubt do not post, simple as that.