1. Users often complain they can't find anything to upload because we already have it all and other trackers don't have comedy. Other trackers have comedy, too. You just have to look for it. Every tracker doesn't have comedy, but many of them do. I'm often surprised at the amount of comedy I see on other trackers. If I notice something we don't have, I grab it and upload it here. "Just be sure to make a new and original torrent" using our "Announce Url." That can be found on the upper portion of the "Upload" page. You have to make a new torrent because the announce url and/or your unique user identifier will be different for every tracker. Unless you belong to no other trackers, there's no excuse. If you can't find anything to upload, you're just lazy. 2. You are responsible for those you invite. If they screw up, you could lose some of your own privileges for a time or even lose your membership entirely. If a user without invite privileges still wants to invite someone and they're willing to take that risk, have them come to our IRC #cryptichaven-invite channel, mention your nick as a reference and wait to be interviewed. 3. A reminder that it is against the rules of every private tracker I know of to buy, sell or trade invitations. Any member found doing so or found posting unedited screenshots of CrypticHaven will be permanently banned here and at every other tracker with which this tracker has a cooperation agreement.