Külföldi torrent oldalak AsianDVDClub | ADC Current situation

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2018. november 26..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
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    From the site's main page:

    AsianDVDClub is currently down

    You've undoubtedly noticed that ADC has been down for the last 2 weeks. The good news is the host assures me that our server is still up, so it wasn't a hardware failure, takedown, database crash, or anything along those lines.

    So what did happen? Well that's the bad news. In short, we have not received enough in donations recently to cover the bills and our host cut off access to our server until the account is paid in full. They claim to have sent an email warning about the impending disconnect but nothing of that sort was received so I wasn't notified of the problem in advance and we weren't able to take any action before ADC went offline. It took some time to get to the bottom of the matter due to their rather limited support hours (for non-managed accounts) and our conflicting schedules. A combination of these and some other real-life factors significantly delayed putting up a public announcement like this.

    To get to the heart of the matter, some months ADC receives enough in donations to cover the bills and has extra left over for a rainy day fund. But unfortunately that's not the case for all months and if there's a period with more bad months than good, the rainy day fund can run dry and there may not be enough in the account to cover the bills. There have been a couple of times in the past where this happened and I covered the shortage but I'm not able to do that at this time. One additional wrinkle this time is that because things have gotten to this point we owe the original amount plus a late fee and a disconnect penalty. Although we don't disclose ADC's exact costs out of somewhat paranoid reasons, suffice to say our hosting is not cheap but it's also much less than many other private trackers, especially large trackers.

    If you are currently an ADC member and you want to help get ADC back online by donating through PayPal, you can do so by joining our IRC channel (#asiandvdclub @ Rizon) and sending a PM to ADC's SysOp (if you don't know who that is, ask in the channel) to get the details for the donation account where you can send money. Please wait for a response before sending any donations so you can be sure the money will go to the correct account. Donating through Bitcoin is not an option at this time since the host insists on being paid via either PayPal or credit card, however BTC donations will be possible again in the future after ADC is back online.

    With any luck ADC will be back online soon. Once the server is re-connected, I'll perform some checks to make sure everything is working as it should and as long as everything checks out ADC will be available again shortly afterwards. This page will be manually updated as needed.
    Bottom line: It's all about the donation money again. :tef344: