Külföldi torrent oldalak IndieTorrents | IT Donation Drive

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. május 03..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    Donation Drive


    We always hate to have to bring this sort of stuff up, but unfortunately hosting and server costs are very real. Thanks to everyone's more-than-generous donations when we switched over to gazelle and relaunched (a huge thank you to everyone who has donated since then too!), we were able to survive on those funds for nearly a year and a half.

    Unfortunately the #IT coffers are drying up, and we once again need to ask for any help you all can give to help us stay afloat. We're good for at least a couple more months, so don't worry about us shutting the lights off next week or anything like that.

    This go 'round, we're going to offer up some goodies as a thank you to everyone who is able to open their wallets.

    For every donation of at least $10 USD, you will qualify to receive a fancy ass sticker!


    We're going to shoot for a 3" sticker - depending on the demand and what kind of quotes we can get once this drive is over. On that note, please be aware that you will not receive the sticker immediately upon donating - we will place an order at the end of the month, and then ship them out.

    If you do want the sticker, you must pm viker with your name and address upon making your donation.


    For those of you that missed out on our 2011 Ultimate Mixswap, here's your chance to own a copy of one of them. I still have almost a box full of these. 10 random donors will be sent one of the mixes that I have on hand. Winners will be massaged messaged at the end of the month with further instructions/details.

    Other Shit
    We also have some other plans up our sleeves, like T-shirts and contests and whatnot. Those ideas are still being fleshed out, but we will keep you updated!

    Again, we really hate asking for dough, but we really really really do appreciate everyone that makes this site special. You could maybe possibly even say that we love you folks. Except indiegod of course, he fucking hates you.