Külföldi torrent oldalak BroadcasThe.Net | BTN Donations: Open, Shopping List & Status

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2012. május 17..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Donations: OPEN, Shopping List & Status


    We have implemented a secure temporary, manual donation system. If you would like to Donate please send a StaffBox PM, and we'll supply easy to follow instructions for donating.

    If you are financially able, please consider donating!

    Donations will be used to directly fund the following:

    Shopping List

    Phase 1: Temporary Configuration
    Server 1 (€90) Online ••••••••••
    Server 2 (€110) Funded ••••••••••
    Server 3 (€25) Ordered-Pending Payment ••••••••••
    Server 4 (€51) Ordered-Pending Payment ••••••••••
    Server 5 (€223) Funded ••••••••••

    Phase 2: Final Configuration (Estimates - Planning still in progress)
    Server 1 (€175) Unfunded ••••••••••
    Server 2 (€110) Unfunded ••••••••••
    Server 3 (€90) Unfunded ••••••••••
    Server 4 (€51) Unfunded ••••••••••
    Server 5 (€223) Unfunded ••••••••••

    Each dot represents 10% funding, as they turn green, funding is available. Once 100% funded the server will be ordered. The above does not include overheads such as currency exchange, fees & charges and ongoing maintenance / renewal of core services such as cloudflare, VPNs, payment systems, Backups, domain registrations etc; nor contingency funds for bandwidth overages, periods where donation targets may not be met; nor funds for improvements / initatives. Rather it represents the point-in-time critical core-system components.

    Note: The costs above are monthly charges.

    Functional Status

    ••• Donation System
    ••• Payment System (secure payment of bills/accounts)
    ••• Main Site
    ••• Databases
    ••• Backups
    ••• Tracker
    ••• API
    ••• IRC
    ••• Development Environment
    ••• IMG Host
    ••• TV News Site
    ••• AutoBot

    1st Dot Online; Issue; Offline
    2nd Dot Fully Funded; Ordered; Unfunded
    3rd Dot BTN Owned; On Loan; No Service
