Külföldi torrent oldalak UHD-Torrents | UHD Donations

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' bincy hozta létre. Ekkor: 2022. január 31..

  1. bincy /

    2012. augusztus 24.
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    UHDHeaven has no advertisements, is not sponsored, and provides its services free of charge. For these reasons, UHDHeaven financial obligations can only be met with the help of voluntary user donations. Supporting UHDHeaven is and will always remain voluntary. If you are financially able, help pay UHDHeaven's bills by donating. UHDHeaven's survival is up to you.UHDHeaven uses all voluntary donations to cover the costs of running the site and tracker. These costs represent the hardware the site runs on (e.g., servers, upgrades, fixes, etc.), and recurring operating expenses (e.g., hosting, bandwidth, power, etc.).UHDHeaven is a nonprofit organization. No staff member or other individual responsible for the site's operation personally profits from user donations. As a donor, your financial support is exclusively applied to operating costs. When you donate you aren't paying the UHDHeaven Staff or buying the ability to download. When you donate you are paying UHDHeaven bills.UHDHeaven Donor Rank system is currently available to all credited donors. This system provides donors with perks. Some of these perks are cosmetic (e.g., a donor icon added to your account), some are one-time benefits (e.g., additional invites), and others modify specific site options.
    You can donate Here or by clicking the green icon at the top of the page

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