Külföldi torrent oldalak CosaNostra | CN Donations

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Guest hozta létre. Ekkor: 2011. március 03..

  1. Guest / Guest

    Re: Cosa Nostra===> The Black Hand

    Donations [Mark Read]

    I hate to have to do this again, but I need to remind everyone that this site can't run without donations. Last month, some of you pulled things together and got freeleech for the remainder of the month. That being said, we have one server bill due in 6 days, and another due on the 16th. Out of almost 1800 members, we only have 30 donors on the site, and some of them have donated more than once already. So I ask all of you to please keep in mind that, if when the server bills are due and we don't have donations to cover them, that will be the end of this site. So far for this month we have $0 in the donations pot. This needs to change.

    :: redhat