Külföldi torrent oldalak Filelist News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' yre78 hozta létre. Ekkor: 2022. szeptember 04..

  1. yre78 /

    2022. augusztus 15.
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    Today, on our 15th anniversary, we want to thank you all for your enormous contribution and for dedicating so much of your time to this community.

    We thank all of our users, seeders and donors, whose dedication has contributed to our success, we thank our uploaders, for their work, desire and availability every day. The following thank you goes to our encoders and cappers, their input is extremely valuable to us, we are truly privileged to have you on the team!

    Next, we would like to say thanks to our interns and moderators, this year we made impressive progress and it's all thanks to you, thank you! Last but not least, we thank our admins, their work and professionalism has greatly impressed the whole team, and for our SysOp, a simple thank you would not be enough, but we would like to tell him that he is an inspiration to all of us and we are happy to have him with us!!

    Wow, 15 years!!! We love you all and FileList wouldn't exist today without each of you who have contributed in one way or another to this wonderful site!

    We hope you enjoy the events we have prepared for you, so let the party begin!

    Global FreeLeech! A whole week of Global FreeLeech! Starting on the 4th of September until the 11th of September.
    15th-anniversary gift! Starting on the 4th of September until the 11th of September you will be able to claim a gift, by clicking in the lower-left corner of the website, once every 24 hours. The gift is similar to the one in the shop and you can win: Upload, FLCoins, Invitations, FLTokens, VIP.
    Discounted Shop prices! From this moment up until the 11th of September, you can enjoy the Shop at reduced prices!
    Invites for everyone! From this moment on all user classes (including User, Power User, Addict and Elite) can generate invitation codes. All users who had 2 invites available or less in their account now have 3 invites that can be generated and used.
    Double the FLCoins amount for any donation that chooses the FLCoins reward. Every year we have a lot of users that support us and help us keep the site alive. This year we have something for them too! From this moment up until the 11th of September, all donations that are made for FLCoins will get double the amount. The reward table from here was not updated to easily reflect the bonus amount, but if you choose 5000 FLCoins as reward, you receive 5000 FLCoins more as a bonus! Regardless of the chosen amount, the bonus is double!

    This year we have a special contest that ALL users are automatically participating if they have seeding torrents.
    More details here: Peers Lottery
    Probably the contest will be available for the entire month of September!

    Other active contests:
    [15 ani] Find The Hidden Movie
    [15 ani] Celebrate with us!
    [15 ani] The most interesting collection!

    Have a look in the competition section to see other available contests!

    Happy Anniversary FileList!

    We wish you all the best!
    FileList Staff

    P.S. A huge Thank You to spondilita for his creative involvement in all the banners and images that we use and appreciate!
    • Informatív Informatív x 1
  2. Péter28 / Guest

    What did you like most about Filelist's 15th Anniversary?

    Global FreeLeech
    Price discounts from the Shop
    Invites for everyone
    Double FLCoins earned from donations
    Contests were the best. You rock!
    The Christmas event is more interesting!
    Already was it and I didn't know?
    Gift boxes

    Mi tetszett a legjobban Filelist 15. évfordulóján?

    Global FreeLeech
    Árengedmények az üzletből
    Meghívók mindenkinek
    Az adományokból szerzett dupla FLCoin
    A versenyek voltak a legjobbak. Király vagy!
    A karácsonyi esemény még érdekesebb!
    Már volt, és nem tudtam?