Külföldi torrent oldalak FileList | FL News

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. február 03..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    S-au implementat niste masuri noi pentru cei care faceau spam cu thanks la torrente si un sistem de supraveghere general pentru FLCoins.
    Eu cand am zis pe pagina Shop-ului ca daca abuzati mai rau faceti am fost foarte serios.

    3 useri au primit mute permanent, warn si le-au fost sterse toate FLCoins. Unul e mai de top, daduse peste 38.000 de thanks-uri si avea 19.000 FLCoins. Le-a pierdut toate, bineinteles, si s-a ales si cu contul praf. Urmeaza si altii care au facut abuz.

    Oricum, tinand cont cati useri avem si doar cativa s-au crezut mai smecheri, ma bucura sa stiu ca majoritatea sunt oameni cu bun simt si nu fac abuzuri.

    Va multumim !

    // Edit: Aproximativ 200 de conturi au fost sanctionate pentru abuz.


    Introduced some new measures for those who did spam with thanks to torrents and CCTV system in General for FLCoins.
    When I said on the Shop page of the website that if abuse is worse to do, I was very serious.

    3 users got to move constantly, warn, and they have removed all FLCoins. One top, daduse more than 38000 thanks-sites and have 19.000 FLCoins. They lost everything, of course, and chose, and the expense of dust. Follow and others that did abuse.

    In any case, considering how many users we have and only a few were thought more spot, I like to know that most people feel good, and do not abuse.

    Thank you !

    // Edit: About 200 accounts were fined for abuse.