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A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dred hozta létre. Ekkor: 2015. október 29..

  1. Dred /

    2012. április 05.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Vreau sa fac un anunt legat de donatii, dar inainte de asta vreau sa fac ceva mai important, mai ales ca nu s-a facut niciodata si cred ca e cel mai potrivit sa o fac acum.

    Vreau personal, apoi in numele staff-ului, si apoi in numele a celor aproape 1 milion de utilizatori ai acestui site, sa multumesc celor care de-a lungul timpului au donat ca sa tina acest site si aceasta comunitate incredibila in viata. Literalmente, fara ajutorul lor nu ar fi existat acest site. Nu avea cum. Cheltuielile sunt enorm de mari(chiar si fara o imaginatie bogata va puteti da seama de asta) si fara ajutorul celor care au donat nu am fi putut ajunge aici, in 2015.
    Asa ca, in numele tuturor celor care acceseaza site-ul, va spun multumesc! Multumesc ca ne putem bucura de acest site chiar si dupa 8 ani! De 8 ani de zile beneficiem cu totii de acest site datorita celor care doneaza! E mare lucru, 8 ani e ceva... si nu e putin. 1 milion de oameni va spun astazi multumesc!

    Acum stirea.
    In toti anii astia am fost asaltat de PM-uri legate de donatii. Primesc zeci pe zi, deci e ceva normal, dar unii ma uimesc si pe mine
    M-au certat ca ei nu gasesc butonul de donatii, au cautat oamenii si 10 minute si nu l-au gasit. Mi-au spus "voi nu sunteti normali, fa-l frate sa se vada".
    Altii au multumit si au zis sa continuam tot asa.
    Altii din nou m-au certat. "Bine ca ati bagat shop-ul ala si nu am cum sa donez pentru FLCoins, mai bine nu-l puneati."
    Multi dintre ei au insistat sa introducem si FLCoins la donatii sa isi poata lua oamenii ce vor ei si au nevoie. "Nu vreau VIP si alte tampenii, am ratia mica si vreau doar upload din shop".
    Chiar saptamanile trecute cineva m-a facut nebun si prost, a zis ca el nu a mai vazut om care sa nu vrea bani (voia sa afiseze reclame aici si cu respect l-am refuzat).
    Si exemplele pot continua, ar fi multe...

    Dupa cum vedeti, butonul de donatii nu sare nicaieri in ochi, reclame nu sunt, de fapt noi nu am pus niciodata accentul pe donatii. Faptele vorbesc de la sine si se vede asta, nu are rost sa explic. E adevarat, fara donatii nu am putea exista, dar e inutil si de prost gust sa ceri donatii. Asa am gandit mereu si asa va fi mereu, cine vrea ajuta, cine nu, nu.

    Ba chiar mai mult, atat de mult vrem sa donati incat acum stand la seed va puteti lua VIP si fara sa donati. Si credeti-ma pe cuvant cand spun ca sunt o groaza de useri care isi cumpara lunar VIP din statul la seed.

    Am vrut sa ne asiguram ca sistemul de FLCoins si Shop-ul merg asa cum ne dorim, si azi pot spune ca ele merg perfect. Il vom mai imbunatati, mereu e loc de mai bine, dar merge asa cum trebuie. Asa ca nu ne-am grabit si ne-am asigurat ca e totul ok. Azi cand totul pare ok, am ascultat si de cei multi care au cerut sa poata dona direct pentru FLCoins. Acum au aceasta posibilitate, isi pot lua din shop ce vor ei.
    Nu am sa dau link catre pagina de donatii, am vrut doar sa va anunt ca acum se poate dona si pentru FLCoins. Au cerut multi asa ca i-am ascultat. Dupa cateva luni bune, e drept, dar i-am ascultat Sper sa nu ma mai certe nimeni.

    Trei randuri mai jos exista link catre topic-ul acestei stiri, va rog sa ma urmati in a spune un multumesc celor care tin site-ul in viata de 8 ani de zile!
    Va multumesc!

    FileList Staff!

    google translation

    I want to make an announcement related to donations, but before that I want to do something more important, especially as never been done and I think it's best to do it now.

    I personally, and on behalf of staff, and then on behalf of the nearly 1 million users of this site to thank those who have donated over the years to keep this site alive and this incredible community. Literally, without their help this site would not exist. There's no way. Expenses are enormously high (even without imagination you can imagine that) without the help of those who donated we could not get here in 2015.
    So on behalf of all those who visit the site will say thank you! Thanks as we enjoy making even after eight years! 8 years all benefit by this site thanks to those who donated! It's very important for 8 years ... and it's something less. 1 million people today say thanks!

    Now the news.
    In all these years I was assaulted by PM Links related donations. I get dozens a day, so it's normal, but some astonish me and me
    They argued that they can not find the button donations, people looked for 10 minutes and not found him. They told me "you are not normal, do it brother to see".
    Others said they were happy to continue and so on.
    Others scolded me again. "Good thing you put your shop guy and I like to donate to FLCoins, do not put it better."
    Many of them insisted on donations FLCoins to introduce their people can take what they want and need. "I do not want VIP and other crap, I just want low ratio and upload the shop".
    Just last week someone made me crazy and stupid, said he has never seen a man who did not want money (will display advertisements here and respectfully I declined).
    And such examples would be more ...

    As you can see, the button does not jump anywhere in eye donations, advertisements are not, in fact we have not ever put emphasis on donations. The facts speak for themselves and it shows that, it is pointless to explain. True, we could not exist without donations, but is pointless and tacky to ask for donations. So I always thought and always will be, who wants help, who does not.

    Even more, we donate so much that now you can take your stand seeding VIP and without donors. And believe me when I say the word are a lot of users who buy monthly VIP seeding State.

    We wanted to make sure the system FLCoins and Shop the go as we want, and today I can say that they go perfectly. Il we will improve, there's always room for improvement, but it works as it should. So we were not rushed and we made sure that everything is ok. Today when everything seems ok, I listened and asked many who can donate directly to FLCoins. Now they have this possibility, they may take out what they shop.
    I have to give the link to the donations, I just wanted to announce that we now can donate and FLCoins. They asked many so I listened. After several months, it is true, but I heard I hope I do not argue anyone.

    Three rows below there is a link to the topic of this news, please follow me in saying a thank those who keep the site alive 8 years!
    Thank you!

    Staff FileList!