Külföldi torrent oldalak ABTorrents | ABT Filesharefreak.com Is Back

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 04..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest

    FileShareFreak.com Is Back

    FileShareFreak.com - This is a site many of us have loved in the past for the depth of its rich information and consistent timely updates. It’s been dormant now for a year and a half, collecting digital dust on its virtual shelf. The last post made here attracted huge numbers of trolls and spam, like food left in the park after a picnic.
    So let’s dispel with the rumors first. Sharky is not dead. He was sick for a few months and stopped writing because of it. The circumstances of the situation? He was having back surgery to remove a very large pilonidal cyst. Approximately 5 inches by 1.5 by 1.5 inches of cyst material was removed. The crater that resulted from the surgery was left completely open to heal from the inside out. Sound nasty? It was.
    After 3 to 4 months of in-home nursing treatments and aftercare, he began to recover. During those bedridden days, it became clear to him that it was time to move on from FSF.
    Today, he has completely recovered and is currently pursuing new endeavors. He wishes to retire the “Sharky” pseudonym.
    We wish him well and are grateful that he is back to full health.
    Sharky did want to do something good with FileShareFreak even if he wasn’t directly involved with the site any longer. So he handed the site over to a few of his hacker friends so that it could evolve into what comes next. Update: To clarify, that’s “hacker” as in software programming, not security breaking.
    So here we are.
    We, in turn, want to hand this site over to the file-sharing community. In many ways, what this site becomes is up to you.
    We can code it. We can build it and shape it into what it needs to be. We can create a structure for the community to organize information and tutorials that big media companies want to suppress. We’re kicking around the best way to go about that right now.
    We believe information should be free. This is what we’re all about. To a large degree, that is what all of us are about, isn’t it?
    We need to put aside our ego and pride. We need to teach new generations following us that information is not property to be bought and sold. Knowledge is not a commodity that only the wealthy have access to.
    Information is our water. Knowledge is our air.
    We can help champion the cause of freedom on the Internet here at FSF.
    We have no desire to break laws. We, the people, should make the laws - not Hollywood. We need to rise up united against oppressive incumbent media and break their monopolistic stronghold on information. We need to fight against invasions of our privacy just as hard.
    For us, the only logical way forward is via the complete decriminalization of all non-commercial file sharing. The alternative is horrific - a malignant digital cancer fueling the growth of heightened censorship, suppression, and control of what citizens are allowed to do, say, and share on the Internet. That is not acceptable. The Internet needs to remain free if we are to remain free.
    So, what will become of FSF? Lets figure it out together. Let’s make a community that creates, collects, and curates the information we care about. Let’s create a community that organizes that information so that the newbies, the clueless, the information thirsty, and the knowledge starved can find the information they need to do what they need to do.
    So please - if you have ideas about what we should build here at FileShareFreak, do send us an email. We will respond to all serious suggestions.
    Together we can build a resource that belongs to everyone, is free for all, and suppressed by no one.
    Yours very truly,
    The new caretakers of FSF
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