Külföldi torrent oldalak MoreThan.tv | MTV For Freshon refugees (Updated)

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' posztoló hozta létre. Ekkor: 2017. május 20..

  1. posztoló /

    2016. április 14.
    Kapott lájkok:
    Beküldött adatlapok:
    Note: We are still recruiting even though freshon is down now. See my edits at the bottom of this post for more info on how to apply.

    Dear MTV,

    Today we're here to bring you some sad news: freshon.tv has announced it will shut down. We're a bit surprised by the decision, as we're sure most of you are but there's nothing anyone can do about it now.

    Freshon staff have contacted us and have since posted an announcement on the forums letting users know morethan.tv is opening up interviews for any refugees that are interested in joining a new tv tracker as long as they can provide proof of membership. Spread the word among your friends so no one that wants to join will be left out.

    Server: irc.morethan.tv

    SSL port: 6669 (you may need to input this as +6669 in your IRC client)

    Non-SSL port: 6667 (Use this if you're having trouble connecting over SSL)

    Channel: #morethan.tv-interviews

    Best regards,

    - MTV staff

    You only need to show that you have an account in good standing at Freshon.tv, no other requirements.

    EDIT 1: Those of you who didn't get a screenshot of your profile before the site went down, please don't delete your freshon torrents from your client yet!

    EDIT 2: Good morning! We are indeed still recruiting, even if you didn't get a screenshot of your profile before the site went down. There are plenty of things you can use as proof; the more the better :tef344:
    •Screenshot of your freshon profile or any freshon page showing your user stats
    •Screenshot of your freshon invite email
    •Screenshot of your torrent client with freshon torrents (make sure the tracker is visible please!)
    •Screenshot of your most recent browser history filtered for freshon.tv
    •Screenshot of any freshon RSS feeds you may have in your client

    Make sure you include your email address in your message, even if you have a screenshot of your invite email. It makes my life way easier and you don't risk me making a typo and sending it to the wrong address :tef344: