Külföldi torrent oldalak RacingFor.Me | RFM Free Leech / Free Torrents Hiya Folks Update

A témát ebben részben 'Torrent oldalak hírei' Dark Angel hozta létre. Ekkor: 2013. június 21..

  1. Dark Angel / Guest


    To answer some of the most returning questions:

    - This change does not mean that RFM is going back to ratios. We have always (and will always) use GB differences to determine whether someone is only here to leech his/her ass off or is trying to seed but isn't successful. For the latter group, this should allow them to improve their situation.

    - We will not introduce a search option for Free Torrents. Free leech has been added to RFM to help people IMPROVE their GB difference, it is not to be used as a harvesting system to CREATE a GB difference. We would've introduced bonus points if we were aiming for that.