Külföldi torrent oldalak Waffles | WFL Freeleech

A témát ebben részben 'Archívum' Altair hozta létre. Ekkor: 2010. november 04..

  1. Altair /

    2010. július 31.
    Kapott lájkok:
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    Philadelphia based artist e* hit puberty round about 1993, bookended by early 90s grunge and late 90s emo. He doesn't sequester himself in a cabin to record his music. And he doesn't play 350 shows a year. He writes simple rock songs on an old guitar and records them on a laptop in his bedroom when he has the time. What results is the kind of irreverent musical and lyrical honesty that commercial artists and starving artists can't afford. Concise narratives surrounded by a carefully produced guitar-driven soundscape that feels familiar but sounds refreshing. Kind of like calling up your 15 year old self and saying "sometimes I wish I was still you, but mostly I just wish you weren't such an idiot all the time".


    This release is FREE LEECH

    V0: https://www.waffles.ch/details.php?id=713518
    FLAC: https://www.waffles.ch/details.php?id=688987